Chapter 2

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You're POV

I heard distant voices coming closer and closer. I can feel my senses awakening as I slowly open my eyes.

I see a figure in front of me wearing those familiar white shirt. His eyes were wide open and he looked at me terror lingering in his green orbs.

"Wakey wakey....." A familiar voice said.

I looked towards the direction of the voice and found the man from before. His grey coloured eyes eyed my blue ones intently.


That was all I manage to say before a massive headache hit me. I groaned in pain as it ever so slowly subsided.

"You wouldn't be feeling that unbearable pain if you just sit still and cooperated." The other guy said as he brought food and settles it in front of us.

"Now look what you've done. You guys will be eating your food cold." He said nodding his sadly but in a mocking away.

"W-what do you want? Why are you doing this?" I asked as I glared at the guy.

"Why? Hmmm... Because we love kidnaping random people..." He replied and simply laughed.

"I asked a fucking question and I deserve a fucking proper answer." I sternly said to him.

He stopped laughing and looked at me while smirking.

"Sorry princess but that's all the fucking answer your getting."

He said before exiting the prison like cage.

I looked at the man before as he stared at me, his black hair was disheveled and his grey eyes intently looked at my blue orbs.

'His not saying anything....' I thought as I stared at him.

He looked towards the prison door that the man exited into.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it...." he said and quickly unlocked Eren's hand from the chains.

Eren and I looked at him confusingly. Eren groaned from pain and quickly removed the cloth from his mouth.

"I'm a spy who used to work for the survey corps but now I'm working for the military police brigade." He said as he proceeded to unlock my chain.

He quickly showed his uniform hiding from his black attire.

"W-what?" Was all I managed to say.

"I know this is hard to take in but please believe me.... that guy that left also works with me... Our priority is to get you guys back alive.." he said and quickly have us black coats to wear.

"B-but earlier you were-"

"We're being watched.... We sneaked in as soon as you guys were both about to wake up. We knocked the two people out that were suppose to watch you."

"Don't worry now you guys are safe we cleared the surrounding so you should be able to escape." He said as he quickly unlocked the prison door.

"Here take this key.... You should be able to unlock the door on the first floor. Go up the stairs and it's the first door you see. As soon as you go out run as fast as you can and never run back."

"W-wait but what about you?!" Eren whispered.

"I'll be fine. I'm not a spy for nothing..." he said and gave a slight smirk.

"Now go!" He said and pushed us up the stairs.

"And (Y/n)..."


"Go quickly...."

"Levi's waiting for you.."

Commander's Little Sister 4 (LevixReader) Where stories live. Discover now