Chapter 4

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4 hours before escape

Levi's POV

"Hey hey get that little kid out of here! Is he stealing that bread again?! That motherfuck-"

"Woah woah Taro calm down..."

"Oh thank god your here Jiro ! Help me get this kid to prison!" Taro said and held a kid who stuffed bread in his dirty clothes.

He struggled and yelled punching Taro with his small little fists.

Finally hitting Taro forcefully, he yelled in pain clutching his right eye and let go of the child. Bulls eye.

"THAT SON OF A BITCH! GET HIM!" Taro yelled trying to snatch the kid back from his grasp but the kid was too quick.

The kid grinned and ran past us but not before I got a hold of his shirt and yanked it forward throwing him in front of me.

"Tsk tsk thats not nice kid..." I said and helped him stood up.

"I'll pay for it..." I said to Taro and gave him a small sack of coins.

"And you. Your coming with us kid." Jiro said and grabbed the kids wrist.

"Let go!" He yelled.

"Him? I thought we were here for Taro?" I asked confusingly.

"We are but this kid knows a lot of secret routes down here... We're lucky we got a hold of him..." Jiro grinned.

"Him? This kid? Oh please he already has done enough damage to me and your going to use him?" Taro claimed angrily.

"Come on big brother it's to help Levi.." Jiro  replied.

"What? Oh yeah what are you doing here Levi?" Taro asked.

"Come here I'll explain it to you..." Jiro conveyed, ushering Taro towards him.


Your POV

"It's this door right?" I asked and held out the key.

Eren nodded as I proceeded to insert the key into the hole and turned it making a loud clicking sound, slowly the door opened and we were greeted by the sound of busy streets and crowded people.

I looked towards Eren who scanned the coming in crowd.

"Eren this way!" I whispered and took his arm dragging him in an abandoned alleyway.

"I think we're underground. We have to get out of here quickly-"

"Not so fast Miss (Y/n)."

A man appeared out of the dark corner of the alley. He wore an all black outfit but his face was covered by the shadow. Footsteps were heard behind us coming in all directions.

'Shit! We're surrounded! Just when I thought we were free...' I thought cursing.

"Who are you..." Eren asked pushing me behind him.

"Me? I'll tell you later but for now... You guys will be coming with us.." He said and grinned showing his white sparkling teeth.

"Let go!" I yelled as I felt a hand grabbed my arm.

"(Y/n)!" Eren yelled but he was quickly pulled down by the man hitting his neck. Eren fell on ground unconscious.


The man grabbed a cloth from his jacket and covered my nose. I struggled not to take the  scent in but failed as my surroundings started to get dark. I caught a glimpse of the man before fully blacking out.

Commander's Little Sister 4 (LevixReader) Where stories live. Discover now