We Must Be Killers (Tidbits)

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So this is just going to be a couple of scenes that I really liked and wanted to share. Nothing to major but hopefully you guys like them.


Morgan is now Maximilian

Brigham is now Sabion

Jezella is Rene's Wife and Soul mate not longer Morgan/Max's fiance




Max’s eyes flashed dangerously as he circled the man before him. War had changed him in ways that he didn’t care to voice. He had begun to crave the adrenaline rush that only a battle could bring. The salty smell of sweat and the irony tang of blood were some of his favorite scents.  Even his inner beast enjoyed the freedom afforded to them by the carnage that had quickly become like a second home to them. Faster than the eye could see Max was on him. He was a blur of claws, fangs and glowing amethyst eyes. When he stepped away his opponent was nothing more than a bloody moaning mess.

“Would anyone else like to test me this fine morning?” He barked a mad gleam in his eyes as he looked over the men assembled before him. When none spoke up he nodded in a pleased fashion and said. “Make sure it stays that way. Next time I will not be so gentle.”

“We hear and obey.” They chanted holding a closed fist over their heart in a sign of loyalty to him.

Max jerked hard in his sleep drawing himself out of the nightmarish memories of the creature he had once been. He reached a hesitant hand over to the bed on the left side of himself and sighed with longing. Of course the sheets were empty as they always were and always would be. Sometimes he liked to imagine what she would have looked like if she had lived. Heaps of brown hair that she would have no doubt worn in a similar braid as she had the first time he had laid eyes on her, eyes the color of warm coffee and light brown sun kissed skin.

The Lycan closed his eyes and gasped at the pain the image always brought him. He knew he was hurting himself by picking at an old wound that had healed so terribly that it almost didn’t seem healed at all. Sitting up in bed he cast the blanket aside and wondered across the room to the door that leads to the adjoining bedroom. Normally the room would be reserved for his Queen but for the moment a different female equally close to him staid there. Raising a hand to knock on the door it opened for him without warning revealing a familiar face. A pale set of arms wrapped around his neck, drawing him close and keeping him there.

“Forgive me for the intrusion Jezella.” He whispered his face pressed against her hair as he clung to her like a drowning man would a life raft. “I just neede…”

“Family” She murmured drawing long thin fingers through his hair as she rubbed soothing circles into his back. “Did you dream of her?”

“No I dreamed of the Wars. Normally Rene would be here to talk to me but I had hoped that with him gone you would be willing to speak with me.” Max replied smoothly disentangling himself from her and placing a gentle kiss on one of her hands. It was not proper for them to be so close to each other. She was his brother’s wife and even with his permission the king was too proud take the affection that she offered him. But tonight he was alone and weak. A kind word or two would ease the ache that had begun anew in his chest.

“You never have to ask brother, come inside and have a seat.  Tell me…tell me everything.” She stated.

He described his dream in vivid detail leaving nothing of the memory out, hoping and praying that she could help him. Max talked well into the night and it was close to dust before he finished. The king’s voice was very nearly gone before he finally went quiet and looked up into Jezella’s slate grey eyes. The woman remained still and silent as if she were deep in thought over everything that had come pouring out of his mouth. When she finally opened her lips to speak Max flinched at the too loud sound of her voice in the noiseless room.

“To win wars we must make sacrifices. You made the sacrifice of your humanity to protect yourself and your people. In order to send more warriors back to their families alive and not in boxes you gave that up. Unlike others you were able to find yourself again and we can only hope the day will not come when you must lose yourself again.” She said before pursing her lips and going silent again. In her lap her hands were clasped but they shook as if the next words scared her. “There is nothing I can say to make the ache of losing her leave you. It will be with you always and for that I am so very sorry.”

“Thank you. You did not take her from me there is no reason for you to apologize.” Sighing he rose to his feet and bowed lowly before turning to leave.  “I should prepare for my departure later this afternoon. Please tell my brother that I will need him to enjoy me at the Hawk Estate if that would not be too much.


“You should be careful Your Highness I would not hesitate to kill you.” Sabion hissed bristling with fury at the way that he was treating her. Just because they were married now did not mean that he could order her about like he did everyone else.

“Many greater men and women have said the same thing to me. Yet I still stand here before you today.” He chuckled rounding on her and slowly crowding her up against the wall. Max completely ignored the on lookers; it was just him and her now.  Holding Sabion in place with a hand on either side of her face he drew his face closer to hers and inhaled her scent which was tinged with anger. “I’m surprised.”

“You should be afraid.” She growled a dagger appearing in her hand which she pressed against the underside of his throat. Sabion’s eyes followed a droplet of blood sliding down the blade, until it reached the hilt and pooled on her hand.

 Dark Amethyst orbs widened slightly at the press of cold steel against the tender flesh at his throat. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop as he felt it pierce his skin and smelled his own blood. Slowly he reached up and wrapped his hand around hers that held the weapon. Dragging it downward until it hovered over his heart leaving a long angry red scratch in its wake.

“This is a more appropriate spot to sink you blade Wife.” He whispered closing his eyes and pressing his chest forward. Max smiled as he felt the pressure of the knife before it began to shake with the uncertainty of its owner. Opening his eyes he found her staring at him like a deer stuck in the headlights. Shock, fear and sadness flitted across her face as she stared up at him. With a twist of his hand he took the blade from her before brushing rough kiss across her forehead.

“It seems I have chosen a fierce one as my queen did I not?” He laughed joyfully watching as his attendants laughed along and nodded in agreement. His mask of happy king slid back into place as he walked out of the throne room doors. But he could not help but wonder if she would have really done it and if he had actually wanted her to.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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