t h r e e

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I made the video above a while ago if anyone is wondering : )

B R I T T A N Y ' S P O V

After first period ended, we headed out and Hannah spotted Corey.

"Hey Corey! Guess what!" she motioned for him to come to our area. I crossed my arms at Hannah.


"Brittany was getting all red faced about you again."

"Did not!" I pouted.

"Yeah you did."

"Well it doesn't matter, anyway. I said you look cute when you blush, remember?" he smirked and walked off.

Hannah nudged me and wiggled her eyebrows. "Smooth."

"Fuck off, Hannah!" I laughed a small bit.

The whole time up until lunch was like any other normal day. I had art second period, which Leah was in. She, much like Hannah, had been bugging me about Corey.

I had 3rd period science that Jenna (my other friend) was in. She was the one friend in the whole friend group out of Hannah, Leah, her, Miranda, (she's moved but we still keep in touch and she may be moving back this year) and I that doesn't usually say anything about my love life, which I'm very glad about.

Fourth period I had math with Corey and Hannah. Hannah giving me funny looks and whispering stuff to tease me when Corey had been helping me with the homework the last 10 minutes.

"Can I sit here?" Corey held his tray over the empty spot next to mine at the table.

"Yeah," I nodded. Typically he sits with Keenan, Nathan, Chris, and Troy. But I guess today he isn't.

Hannah shot a smirk at me. I pretended not to pay any attention to her and instead started a conversation with Corey.

"So, wanna hang out after school?" Corey asked.

"Yeah. Sure. Your place or mine?"

"Well. We could even just go to the park or something."

"Let's meet at my house and figure it out."

"Cool," he nodded.

"Hey! Corey! Come here. I gotta tell you something," Keenan motioned for him to come to his area. Corey went over and Hannah immediately carried on with her "promise".

"You guys seem to hang out a lot," she teased.

"So? Don't friends do that?" I defended.

"But you hang out every single day. You don't do that with Jenna, Leah, and I," she shot back, that stupid smirk still curved on her lips.

"I've just known Corey longer! And we plan ahead."

"Didn't know planning at lunch for the same day is ahead."

"Well, you guys never ask to hang out!"

"I bet you couldn't go a day without seeing him..." she twirled a strand of her hair.

"I've had to! Remember last week when he was on that vacation! And then like seven years ago when he was in the hospital and I may have cried both times and stuff but I survived!"

"But you cried."

"Cause I wasn't used to not seeing him!"

"Right.... anyway. What if Saturday we planned a sleepover tomorrow at my house after school. No Corey," I could see the glint of evil red in her eyes. "Would you do it?"

"Well- I mean..." I was defeated. "I've had sleepovers with you guys! And I was fine!"

"You would see Corey before and after the sleepover. Even so, you'd still act all depressed. But will you come Saturday?"

"I- Well you see I have to- Ugh fine I will."

"It'll be hard hard, won't it?" she taunted. I grunted at her. "Here he comes..." she twirled her finger.

Corey slid out the chair took his seat. "Looks like I missed something?"

"Nope. Nothing," I said quickly.

"Also, if you were thinking of hanging out with Brittany Saturday, she's coming so my house for a sleepover," Hannah said.

"Okay," he nodded.

How was he so calm?

If someone told me that I'd probably have a panic attack.

Maybe he just doesn't care like I do...

I know this is short! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever! I've just had a lot going on plus I've been working on other stories and videos. I also realize how short this chapter is and I apologize. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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