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I hadn't been able to sleep since I arrived from school, so I did what I was best at, surfing the internet. I was chatting and going through my instagram, at the same time. Art was making me laugh, she seemed too happy that it began to rub off on me. I smiled to myself as I replied. I was happy she was happy, she deserved to be. I left out chat, the girls were making noise in our 'The Real 5' group, so I decided to see the reason for their noise. Rare Gems hadn't resumed, leaving them with a lot of free time. Rare Gems resumes a week after mine
My eyes widened immediately I saw the topic, they are talking about Joseph?

Ya mad oh, how can you say you forgave him?

She has her reasons, let her nah.

It's not as serious as you're taking it Amara. Joseph went through a tough childhood, you have to understand that. And pressure pushed him into cultism. He didn't want to join, but his parents weren't available for him. He did all those stuff, due to pressure.

Save that sermon for whosoever, not me. I mean, we all have choices to make. Even if his parents didn't have time for him or whatever, that didn't render him foolish and thoughtless. He should known the right thing.

He was in Jss1 for Christ sake, what do you expect a young boy to do. And the pressure was much on them all. You can't blame them for that.

We all have our flaws and wrong moments, no one is perfect. I mean, Joseph is close to perfection, except for that flaw he had. And maybe his abusive behavior, but still Joseph is still the old nice Joseph we know. Please don't judge him.
I mean, he cried in front of me, begging for my forgiveness. And he told me to apologize to you all for him. He said, he didn't know what he was doing.
And Ebun and Ella, he said I should specially beg you. That he wouldn't have touched you guys, but it was a stupid tradition they had to face. That he is so sorry.

I've forgiven him oh, but I don't know when I'll forget. And I hope Ella do so.
Ella? Are you reading?

Yes, she's reading. But I don't know why she's not chatting.
Ella. Ella oh... answer peson nah.

I ignored their calling, and closed the chat. Infact, I closed WhatsApp as I sighed. I wasn't ready for any yeye drama. How could I forgive him, when he was the person that raped me. After that, he let two other guys, have their turn. I sighed again as memories of that day, clouded my mind. Mine wasn't in school like the rest of the girls, we were on holiday. It mine was in an uncompleted building. He told me, he wanted to show me something. And due to the fact that I trusted him a lot, I foolishely followed him. But, sometimes the people we trust, are the ones we aren't meant to. I managed to call Soma to come pick me up, because I couldn't walk. I was in pains. And now, he's saying 'sorry'? And he wants me to forgive him? Like that? I don't think that's possible. I almost committed suicide because of him. I'm still traumatized by that day, even in my sleep. I mean, I did love Joseph. The fact he was the one that raped, still aches me. I loved him. I really did.

"Toyo, what's wrong?" My sister was shaking me.

I tried to look at her, but discovered my view was blocked by tears. That was when I realized I was cry. I wanted to tell her nothing, but my breath was cut short. It felt like there was a blockage in my lungs, I couldn't breath or gasp for air. I started squirming, with my mouth open, trying to breath.

My sister knew what was wrong immediately. "Mommy," she shouted really loud. "It's happening again oh, Toyo can't breath."

"She was thinking about that boy again," my mom complained, sighing as she walked into our room with an inhaler, while I was still squirming.

It was like I was going to die, I couldn't breath.

Tofunmi lifted me from my bed, holding me upright. My mom pressed the inhaler into my mouth, closing it, so it could work. She kept on doing it, until I started calming down.

After I calmed down, Tofunmi laid me on my back and covered me with my blanket. She and my mom walked away as I drifted into darkness, battling with the memories that threatened to return.

Chill... Before you kill me 🤧

I'm sorry the chapter is short, but it wasn't even supposed to be a chapter, but I decided to let you guys know she's still being traumatized...and also, there's a important part here, you'd need in the next chapter.

Love you all.

Ella ✔️Where stories live. Discover now