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- In the class, we all had to put our names in a bowl for the parts that we wished to play in the scene. I really didn't want to do it but it was my first day and I already want to pass this class. Shit like this make me frustrated. I definitely have to do some coke or something after school.

" okay class,the part chose for Romeo is : Montrè. The part chosen for Juliette is : Achillie ! ."

After that I zoned out. When I finally came back to earth the guy Monyae or whatever his name was, was sitting In the desk next to mine. I took this opportunity to study him. He was light skinned with hazel eyes, pink plump lips and a little curly bush with the sides cut. But it wasn't a mow-hawk. He had perfect teeth and 1 dimple. He was cute. But I don't have time for boys. Ball is all my life and all I need to worry about.

" you see something you like ?"

" nope, nothing except for my ball. "

" oh cool."

I dont reply and got to work on remembering my lines.

End of Period 1

My next class was gym and I love working out.

"Okay class you knows me as Mr. Roma today we had two new student. Please welcome Mrs. Saunders and Mr. Mendel. "

As we walk in the class I get the classic whistles and thots give Mason a dirty eye wink that says I'll suck Dick for 12 cents.

Then all of a sudden we go on lock down drill.

" all students go to your designated lockdown area and do not move un--"

It was cut short and gunshots rang through the Windows. I was unmoved. Back in Nola all we heard was crazy shit.

When the lockdown was over Mr. Roma started talking again .

"Since we all know the speed of the people in our class, let's test the newbies. Ms. Saunders, go run that 100. "

I walked over to the start of the 100 and waited for him to blow the whistle. When I was done running everyone was wide eyed.

"Wow Ms. Saunders, you ran an 11.94. That's great."

While he was talking to me I didn't even realize that Mason had already ran and was walking over here disappointed.

" I ran a 12.03. "

" wow pretty boy, I'm faster than you. "

I smirked and walked over to his 6"5 frame and gave him a light nudge " it's okay Mason, Girls can do everything boys can do, but 10x better."

He started laughing. And for the rest of the period we ran and shooter hoops and almost created a bond.


Since I rarely eat, I just sat at lunch with my next class and played games and FaceTime people.


Next Chapter is author note on name changes for people

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