Just pop the question chapter 4

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Sonics p.o.v

I smiled as Amy's face blushed looking at me and slightly smiled she hugged me gently. I slowly hugged back I love moments like these... moments when we hug and it feels like we never have to let go... I then lifted up her chin again leaning in for a kiss until my phone rang it was my manager he called me saying I had to go. Which reminds me... I run past the jewellery place there's something I need to pick up...

I looked up at Amy her face looked disappointed yet she smiled and saluted "well duty calls!" I then smirked at her grabbing her hand and pulling her towards me I then grabbed her waist dipping her then kissed her passionately.

When I finally let go I smirked more as her face went red. "Don't worry we'll continue soon!" I smirked once more and winking before running off...

Amy's p.o.v
I watched him run off only to o get surrounded by fangirls. *sigh*

Sonic's p.o.v
I winked at all my fangirls and stopped at the jewellery shop and bought the ring I had ordered it was gold with a pink diamond and fake metal leaves going around the wedding rings. I ran to the studio I sang one of my new songs thinking the whole way through smiling like a dork about Amy. Gosh I'm crazy bout her. I checked my jacket pocket for the box containing the ring and smiled but accidentally dropped it with the ring falling out. I picked both the box and ring up. My manager stared at me, "was that a-"
"Yep a wedding ring"
"Lemme guess for that Amy girl"
"Yep" I smirked " the girl of my dreams"
"You do realise that girl can ruin your dreams if you marry her"
"Huh?" I stared blankly
"You know how much fangirls you lost when you started dating Amy?"
"What's your point?"
"My point is you can't have it all sonic" she said as she put the ring in the box and placed back in my palm.

Just pop the question (sequal 2 lovestruck) Sonamy Where stories live. Discover now