Just pop the question chapter 9

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Fiona Fox's P.o.v
I must admit... he's tough not falling for me but it won't last I won't let it he'll be falling for me soon...

*next day*

Sonic's p.o.v
"I'm off to work Ames!" I gave her the dashing smile she adored.
"Seriously? The star smile again?" She sighed.
"Why would you prefer I did something else with my lips?" I smirked grabbing her waist pulling her gently towards me.
She rolled her eyes as her lips curved into a slight smile them she blushed slightly.
I gently let go and kissed her forehead and ran to the studio. Only to see Fiona? Again?
"Oh hi sonic," my manager welcomed,"meet Fiona she will be helping around the studio"
"... great..." I smiled trying to remain polite I don't know something about her just makes me uncomfortable and not in a good way...
Fiona smirked giving me blue flowers bouquet....
"Thanks I guess?" I frowned


Amy's P.O.V
"Hi sonikku!" I smiled hearing him enter through the front door. Before hearing him walk any further away from the day I had heard the clank of him throwing something away in the trash. I continued to finish the icing on the cupcakes I had made.
"Ooh yummy..."
"Wait for a moment they aren't done!" I giggled
"I wasn't talking about the cupcakes..." sonic teased hugging my waist from behind.
Blushing red I continued finishing the cupcakes in silence and murmured underneath my breath, "idiot."

Just pop the question (sequal 2 lovestruck) Sonamy Where stories live. Discover now