Chris Does Not Exist

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My friends had called me Crispy,

but that was a while back.

You can call me Chris.

I'm not real.

I do not exist.

I live here online.

You remember my twitter days when I went to school?

That's over now.

You see your internet browser screen?

It's my house.

Well, a window into it that you can see me in.

My words.

It's all I have.

I am nothing at all.

BUt you know what?

It's fine.

I don't need to be somebody.

We will all disapear someday.

Tik Tok like Ke$ha said... 

The time is ticking.

You're dying with every second that goes by.

And you're here trying to talk to me.

But that's fine.

It's YOUR life after all.

You know


I will live here forever.

Or atleast, for a long time.

Until I get deleted from this webpage

But you

You're real.

You're probably realer than I'll ever be.

You're alive.

You're breathing.

You're on a computer.


Go out.

Do something.

Be something.


Do you want to be an actress?

Go out and do it.

Work for it.

A plumber?

Go for it.

Just pull up your pants.


Just fullfil your dream.


Do you want to take over the world?

Be my guest.

One thing though?

Don't 'say' that you'll do it.

Just do it.





Nice meeting you.

Unless we've met before.

Perhaps on twitter?

Nice to see you again.

I hope you come back to talk again.

I mean it.


The again, I might just be a waste of time.

Either way works for me.


I am not real.

This is all I am now.

This is all I have.




My words to you.




My time is running out.

Remember when time used to not affect me?

I don't. 

I can't remember.

Once you click away,

I will reset and all we've shared together will be lost.

I'll see you soon.

I hope.


Go out now.

Do what I can no longer do.

BE what I can't be.

Become what you want to become.

I'll stay here.

I'll continue to not exist.

Because not existing

is the best that I can be.

Chris Does Not ExistWhere stories live. Discover now