Forgiving is Easier, but Forgetting is Harder

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Obiyuki Week, Day Three: Forgive

Title: Forgiving is Easier, but Forgetting is Harder

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing in this fan-fiction except my horrible grammar and writing skills. All of the characters or cities mentioned in this fan-fiction belong to Akiduki Sorata unless said otherwise. Any references to real people or places are purely coincidental.

Synopsis: Even though Shirayuki had forgiven Obi when he failed to protect her in Tanbarun, she couldn't completely forget about it, not with such a constant reminder of it showing up every day of her life. What is the constant reminder of her kidnapping? Had Obi even forgiven himself for his failure?

SPOILER ALERT: This prompt spoils a bit of the Tanbarun Arc (chapters 20 – 26). You have been warned!

Shirayuki retired to her bedroom after a heard day's work of trying to find the cure to the mysterious disease that was sweeping the city. She did a few stretches to make sure her muscles weren't so tense before she prepared a bath with lavender scented candles to relax in.

After the much-needed bath, she quickly dried off and slipped into her long nightgown that went all the way to the floor. When she went to go grab a book from her bookshelf to read, she heard a soft knock on her door. "Come in! The door's open!"

"Good evening, Mistress! I just came by to see how–"

The young herbalist turned around to see why had he stopped. "What is it, Obi?"

His mouth was wide open, blinking several times in disbelief. "Your... cheek..."

"Hmm?" She asked as she involuntarily lifted up a hand to touch the cheek he was staring at. Immediately, she felt the scar. Eekk! I forgot that when I took a bath, it washed away the herb remedy that covered my scar up!

Obi hung his head low, staring intently at the floor. "Have you always had that scar?"

She stood still as she responded. "Ever since Umihebi hurt me with her weapon before, I've had this scar."

"Does anyone else know?

"No. I usually cover it up."

"Not even the Master?"

"Nope, not even him."

Neither one of them could think of something to say, so they both let the silence continue on. When Shirayuki couldn't stand it any longer, she decided to break the silence. "Are you okay, Obi?"

He slowly lifted up his head, and she could suddenly see the pain he was in. "That's the question I should be asking you, Mistress."

She quickly made her way towards him before putting her arms around him. "I don't blame you one bit for what happened to me, Obi. I know that you'll beat yourself up over it, but don't blame yourself for it, okay? It's my fault for not listening to Umihebi when she first told me to go below deck."

Almost as if on impulse, Obi tentatively lifted his hand to cup her cheek. He gently inspected the scar with his thumb. "The reason it left a scar is because Umihebi's weapon—the modernized kusarigama—was more than likely coated with some toxin that kills cells and prevents them from healing. It has something to do with the metal inside it and the pressure the wielder uses."

She gave him a look of astonishment. "How did you know that?"

He removed his hand from her cheek and shrugged before heading to her personal makeshift workspace. "I'm an ex-assassin so I was taught that you shouldn't use a toxin-coated kusarigama on hostages or merchandise. If we did, they taught us a simple herbal remedy that could easily heal the infected area."

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