Flirting is a Dangerous Game

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Obiyuki Week, Day Six: Flirt

Title: Flirting is a Dangerous Game

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing in this fan-fiction except my horrible grammar and writing skills. All of the characters or cities mentioned in this fan-fiction belong to Akiduki Sorata unless said otherwise. Any references to real people or places are purely coincidental.

Synopsis: After coming to Lilias, Obi begins to flirt with Shirayuki. Like always, she waves his flirting off and thinks he's just complimenting her. What will happen when she finally realises that they're not friendly compliments, but flirtatious ones?

"Good morning, Mistress!" Obi greeted her as she arrived at the Lilias Pharmacy Building. "You're looking lovely today!"

Shirayuki let out a soft chuckle. "Thanks, but I didn't really put much thought into my clothing choice. In fact, I just wore whatever I laid my hands on."

He shrugged. "Your hands must have pretty good taste, then."

She swatted his arm playfully. "You're too nice."

She went on her merry way back to the pharmacy, feeling quite happy. When she was given her work, she did it without any qualms or complaints.

"My, my, Shirayuki!" Yuzuri exclaimed as she gave her a smug look. "You seem to be in a good mood. Perhaps you've had a rendezvous with your secret lover?"

The red-head visibly began to turn as red as her hair. "N-No! Nothing like that! I've merely been complimented by Obi on my appearance. It's placed me in a happy mood."

Her best friend raised her eyebrows. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say those compliments were really his attempts at trying to flirt with you."

She burned even more. "W-What?! No, they're not! Obi does it with everyone!"

The blonde botanist shrugged her shoulders as she pivoted on her heel and waved her off. "He doesn't do it for everyone, only the people he really cares about. So far, he's only complimented you and Ryuu. He's also said a few things about someone he calls 'Master?' "

She felt like she would die of embarrassment so she grabbed her scarf and covered her entire face with it. Hmph... why can't Obi do that with everyone...?

Obi waved at the arrival of a familiar guard he considered his friend, leaving his post. "Thanks for filling in for me! I'll just be a minute while I go check on the Miss and Ryuu."

He made his way to the makeshift office the aforementioned two shared, opening the door softly so as not to startle them. When he finally let himself in, he realised that Shirayuki was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Mistress?" The confused Royal Knight asked as he scratched his head.

Ryuu merely shrugged. "She left a while ago after Yuzuri started teasing her. Maybe you should try her room?"

After bidding him a farewell, Obi did just that. He knocked softly on her door. "Mistress? Is everything all right?"

"Huh?" He heard her confused and dazed voice ask. "Oh, yeah! I just needed to retire to my room for a short while..."

"Well, may I come in?" He asked politely.

"Oh, no, please don't!" He heard her let out hurriedly. "I'm fine; just let me be for a moment."

He felt discontent beginning to make its home on his face. "And why is that?"

"No... particular... reason...?"

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