Chapter 14

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The " abduction " was actually kinda easy, except for the part when Destiny and I had to carry Liam's passed out body.

It was around midnight. Fate signalled for us to follow him.

I looked up at Liam's house.

Wow. That's huge!

The house was a three story building, painted all in white.
Each of the windows had teeny weeny plants on the window sill with blue and purple flowers. The large grassy lawn in front of the house was perfectly trimmed and maintained. There was a mini playground with a swing and a slide.

For a kid. But who could it be?

I stood there, admiring the mansion.

I turned to my side to see a scowling Fate. He gave me the 'we-don't-have-all-day' look which got me going right away.

We had to actually find an unlocked window and climb through it. Now that isn't all that simple as it sounds.

" Why couldn't we have used your portal? " Destiny asked sadly.

" Because only I can pass through it, silly " I snickered.

" No fair!" Destiny whined like a kid.

That earned us a furious stare from Fate.

We crept up the stairs, wondering which of the many rooms could be Liam's.

Just around the corner was a curious room with a pink door.

Liam wouldn't be found dead sleeping in a pink room.

I chuckled at the thought.

We continued walking forward with Fate leading us.

" Who are you? "

We jumped out of our skins and turned around to find a little girl about ten years of age standing in front of the room we just passed. She was clutching a teddy bear and had big blue eyes.

" Who are you? " she repeated.

" Nobody! "

" Kidnappers! "

" Liam's friends! "

All three of us have different answers.

" What we mean is... We came to see Liam " Fate said with a false smile.

" OK. He's in there " she pointed to a room not far off from where we were standing.

" Thanks " Destiny whispered awkwardly.

We entered the room. It was painted in blue and had posters of famous baseball players stuck on the walls.

There was a massive soft bed and somebody was sleeping on it, covered with a blanket.

I removed the blanket and my gaze fell on Liam's sleeping face. He looked so peaceful.


" We better do it fast " Destiny said.

Liam stirred in his sleep, but didn't get up.

Fate inched closer and suddenly pressed a white cloth on Liam's nose.

His eyes shot open and his limbs began to move frantically. But he soon passed out.

" What did you do? " I asked in concern.

" It's just chloroform. I didn't do anything to your
boyfriend " he spat.

" He's not my boyfriend!"

" He's not? " Fate asked in surprise.

" What made you think he
is? " I asked back.

" Nothing. " He walked out of the room.

" Hey who's going to carry Liam? " Destiny asked Fate.

" You do it " Fate said and shoved his hands in his pocket.

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