Chapter 28

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The Dark Warriors. And... Fate?

"Noah..." Adrianus hissed, "What's so special about you?"

"How do you know my name?" Noah cross questioned. Uh Oh. This is not going to be good.

"Nobody answers a question with an other question. But since you asked..." Adrianus spared me a glance, "We are the Dark Warriors and it's finally nice to meet you."

"Fate... Why are you here?" I turned to Fate with furrowed eyebrows.

He just stared at me with sadness and remorse.

"Zara, I can explain..."

I raised my hand to stop him, "I don't need your explanation Fate. You betrayed me. I feel ashamed to think that we were best friends. Thank you for all you have done and you may leave now."

"No. You may not. No body leaves till we have corrected Zara's mistake" Brunhilda said sternly.

"Fate, leave. This is my house and you are not welcome here" I said.

The tension in the room grew with every word. I glared at Fate, and if looks could kill, he would have been dead by now. He just nodded to Brunhilda and walked out.

Noah kept staring at everyone until he finally broke the deadly silence, "Zara, who are they? Um... Do you know them?"

I sighed with frustration, "Noah, these are the Dark Warriors I've been telling you about."

Noah... They didn't come to kill him, did they?

"So Noah, I see it's time to, you know, die. So why don't you just do that?" Adrianus asked.


"Well, I'm pleased to meet you too. How are you doing?" Noah threw the sarcasm on their faces. I knew he was brave, but going against the Dark Warriors... Even most of the Immortals wouldn't dare to do that.

"Quit it. Let's get back to business. Do you want it to be quick and painless or slow and torturous?" Adrianus and Brunhilda spoke together again.

"I want to live and besides, I will not go down without a fight" Noah said calmly. His face was an expression of peace, but his eyes showed the raging emotions inside.

"Noah... If a fight is what you want, then a fight is what you'll get. But, be reminded that the destruction of your soul will be the gift of your choice" Adrianus gave his signature cruel smile.

I froze. Is this for real? Adrianus is threatening to destroy Noah's soul?! No! I can't let this happen. No...

"Noah, if I... If I ki-kill you, then at least I'll be able to see you, as a soul though. But if they... They get involved, I'll never be able to see you... Ever again" I stammered.

Brunhilda piped in, "Oh, Zara has finally got to her senses! Noah it's your turn now."

"No. I will fight you even if it means eternal death. Zara... I'm sorry, baby. But I have to do this. Everyone knows it's my end and it's inevitable. So when you remember me, I don't want you to feel ashamed of loving a coward. I will not be that coward" Noah said to me.

"Noah... Please" I started to plead. But his decision was made, so was the Dark Warriors'. I was the only utterly confused person here.

"OK. Noah, get prepared for the worst" they said in unison.

"I was born ready" Noah announced with confidence.

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