Chapter Ten

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How did he get in again? What did he want?
She stood up as quickly and quietly as she could, as to not give away her location. She still stayed in the corner though. She heard her bedroom door close.
Victoria's heart dropped, and she felt like she was going to vomit. Tears were running down her face, drying, and then causing an itch that she didn't scratch for fear of letting the strange man know where she was.
She heard him walking around her room. Victoria looked in a panic for something to use as a weapon. The only thing in there was her old field hockey stick. She grabbed it and held it over her shoulder like a baseball bat. Victoria then decided that she would fight, if she had to. She approached the door, with the hoped of, when he opened it, he would have no time to react, and she would have the upperhand for a split second. She felt as though she was ready to do absolutely anything. She was ready to fight if she had to. Victoria was determined. She was not going to let him hurt her.
People had hurt her all her life. Victoria had been a victim her entire life and she was absolutely done with it. She realized that she would not be able to live the rest of her life in fear. She had to fight.
Victoria saw a shadow pass under the door, and then stop in front of the closed closet door. Her muscles in her arms tensed and the hair on the back of her neck stood straight up. She did not feel warm, but she had a drop of sweat dripping down the side of her face. Her adrenaline kicked into full gear, and Victoria felt as though she was suddenly a mighty lioness ready to pounce. She heard a hand touch the doorknob on the other side of the door. She watched it turn and she prepared herself. The door opened, and Victoria closed her eyes, swinging. She gave everything she had into the swing. She felt the hockey stick make contact, and she opened her eyes just in time to realize that she had not hit the suspicious man. She had hit Ben in the head, and he was falling.

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