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To all those who couldn't read Chapter 11. Just look on your table of contents. It'll say Eleven.
Enjoy dears :)

Now on with the chapter!


I had no time to regroup because I had to meet Aryiana outside in the parking lot to go see Sage at her house.

My mind was still racing and I shuffled through my bag to search for a mint. Wouldn't want to have dick mouth while I'm hugging Sage or something.
That would've been major awksauce.

I got a piece of a gum and met Aryiana and I saw she was driving her Nissun today. "How you feel trooper?" She asks me and I shrug.
"Still worried. What about you?" I ask softly as I slide into the passengers seat.

"Same. It's sickening almost to even think about." Aryiana mumbles back.

"Violets not coming?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Couldn't find her and she won't reply to my texts or calls." Aryiana presses her lips together and starts driving, and I search her face.

"You're overthinking about something." It's a statement because I can tell by her expression.
"Of course it happened once she found out I was gay." She mumbled and I frowned.

"No. I think she might just be and that she found out through someone else." I point out and she shakes her head.

"She'd at least tell me and then ignore me afterwards. She doesn't accept me Marley." Aryiana says and I see her eyes are starting to become glossy.

"Don't start the water works on me Ary. You know how hard headed Vi can be. She seemed to be more upset with Sage than you when she came to me." I admit.

"She came to you about me?" Aryiana asks and her voice sounds strained.

"Mostly that she's mad at Sage and she's worried about her all at once because she's acting different. But she's acting equally as strange if not more." I say as we turn into Sages driveway.

"Violets hiding something too." Aryiana concludes and I nod.
That was the obvious part- but to what it was exactly is what stumped me.

We knocked on Sage's door and her mother opened it, short and stumpy with a heart shaped face, she smiled briefly at us before it dropped again.

"Is she here?" I ask and Her mother steps back.

"She's not well." Her mother whispers softly. Aryiana and I slowly walk up the stairs, in silence.
I had no idea what I'd say when I saw her but I didn't know how to deal with any of this.
It was heart wrenching.

"Sage?" Aryiana calls out, knocking on her door and then opening it slowly.

Sage is sitting up in her bed, the TV watching reruns of Rugrats, which was so her. She was wearing a large sweatshirt and pajama pants with her hair up. She looked fine but looked terrible all at once.

It was in her demeanor.

"Hey SageEnraged." I whisper and we sit on her bed. She's silent and expressionless, just staring at us intently.

"Are you okay?" Aryiana asks and Sage looks back at the television.

I look at Aryiana, who's eyes are pursuing me to try and get her to talk.

"We don't know what's going on. But whatever it is, we're always here if you need to talk. We're right by your side through thick and thin. You better bet your bitter bubble butter butt that we'd go to the end of the world to see you smile."
Finally, I saw the corners of Sages lips curve into a smile, "Only you would say something like that." She whispers and we all giggle silently.

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