Chapter 3

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Chapter 3...

I flinched. "W...What is this secret...?" I said to him. He smiled softly. "I...I can try to explain. Who knows?" He said and he laughed quietly. I made a small frown. "Anyway, my secret is that I can..." He began but he went quiet. I looked at him with confusion. He began to speak again, but in a whisper.

"I can be quiet...But once you get to know me, I can be more nice." He whispered to me. I nodded quietly. I guess he had a tough time, which might have made him quiet all the time. "What made you quiet?" I asked to him. He was about to answer but many people came out of their rooms to go to separate training rooms. Gold and another boy noticed us and came into the archery training room.

Gold introduced the boy that came with him to me and Barry. "Hey, guys! Meet Calem!" Gold said to us. Me and Barry waved at Calem. Calem waved back happily. For me, I don't know what to think of. I was nervous from Barry's secret. I couldn't even think right. I didn't know what to say. Even if I did, it would not come out right as well as my thoughts.

I grabbed a bow with arrows and began training. I shooted arrows and it would miss by hitting spots of the target. I got fed up and shooted an arrow with my bow and it hit the goal of the target. Perfect! I smiled at this. Barry noticed and smiled. I smiled back at him. I guess this could be a start of a good friendship. I felt paper in my pocket. I realized. I had a pack of paper in my pockets. I also have a pen as well.

I looked around to see if anyone was looking. Good. No one was. I then wrote a quick note in italic text with my pen. I finished. I realized that Mario called us for breakfast. I saw Barry began to walk out along with the others. I quickly ran to Barry and slipped the note in his hand. He noticed me. "Please read it when you have free time." I whispered to his ear. He nodded and we went to have breakfast.

Then, I saw people sitting at a very large table. I took my seat. I was sitting next to a trainer I knew. I was sitting next to Cheren to my left and no one sat next to me in the right. I met Cheren while walking here. Just then, I heard someone sit next to me to my right. I turned to my right, only to see Barry sit next to me. He smiled and nodded. I returned the nod and smile. Cheren sighed and looked at his watch. "Hey, Cheren." I said brightly. Cheren looked up from his watch to look at me. "Hm? Oh. Hey, Green." He said to me with a small smile.

Just then, we were served out breakfast. It was bacon, sausage, and eggs. The drinks were milk, water, and orange juice. The people chose random. Barry chose water, Cheren chose water as well. Black chose orange juice. Blake chose milk. A lot of people chose orange juice for some odd reason. I decided to choose water.

After we finished our breakfasts, we went to our rooms. As I was settling into the new environment, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Barry. "You said to wanted to see me?" Barry asked to me. I nodded very quietly. I didn't want anyone to hear my voice or to hear Barry's voice. So I covered his mouth with my hands. "Shh..." I said very quietly. Barry just simply quietly nodded. I looked around to see if anyone was looking to see if they see me with Barry. "Come inside, quickly." I said to Barry. Barry nodded and he entered my room. He looked around my room. "Your room looks nice." Barry said. I blushed. "S-shut up!" I said angrily. Barry quietly laughed at my attitude towards that. " there anything you wanted to tell me?" Barry asked to me. I quietly blushed a little. I nodded very nervously. I looked at his face. His face was filled with curious. However, when he saw me look at him, his face filled with concern.

I want to tell you my secret I have been hiding...

The Secret and Forbidden Love 💙 (DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE )Where stories live. Discover now