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yall my band teacher got so fuckin pissed today.
We were recording our competition pieces for the clinic that we're having in a few days for the d00d that is working with us and in the 2nd piece she was like "okay that wasnt the best but thats okay its fine its fine we havent played it in awhile its ok"  then during the 3rd piece she started yelling at the low brass section bc they were slowing down and fucking up a lot and she got so damn mad.
   When we started putting (puting?) up they bass clarinet player quietly goes "shes probably on her period" and oH mAn i gOt sLigHtLy TRIGGERED BUT I KINDA LAUGHED BC THIS POOR WOMAN WAS PROBABLY FEELIN STRESSED ABOUT OTHER THINGS SO IM NOT VERY PISSED BC SHES PISSED POOR WOMAN AHHH

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