Chapter 24

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Virgil's POV-

Hyperventilating, I dashed into the hallway, pounding on Logan's door frantically. He opened it and said "Anxiety?"

"Yes! Logan! P-Please, please help! P-Princey's n-not Princey, a-a-a-" I tried to hold back tears.

"Anxiety spit it out!"

"It's not him!" I cried. "And now it's n-nighttime, and I don't know what to do! P-please!" Logan's eyes went red, causing even more tears to flow from mine. His face began to morph, changing into something of an image instead of an actual, 3-D person. He was a completely black demonic shape now. Wh-what did I do to deserve this?" I sobbed. I could feel an attack coming. Rising in my chest, it was slowly filling my head now, rising even farther still. 

Eventually, it overcame me. It felt like someone hit my legs, because I dropped to my knees and the true panic set in. My eyes stung from constant sobbing, and for my distaste, I felt myself being pulled down through the floor. Thomas was calling me. 

Okay! I know, I know! Another cliffhanger! I'm a horrible person! But I will try to update more frequently, I promise! But remember, I said "try." Don't get all up on my case if I don't update right away. Also, not like you really care, but I have an Orchestra concert today! And actually, the first concert of the year, because our teacher has been in the hospital for three months and then suddenly decided to retire. That's a story for another time. Now we have a new teacher. He's okay, I guess. Sorry, I'm ranting. Well, I'm going to go back to listening to My Chemical Romance. Bye now.

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