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Here is the a$$hole in all his trashy and rude glory. Anyways, I'm not here to metaphorically beat the crap out of Jason. Instead I'm here to shine a little bit of light on him.

Now, you are probably wondering 'Why would you do something good for the person who hurt Timber badly?!?' Well, I can answer that.

Yes, Jason is a hot head, and he gained a lot more violent tendencies when in jail, but he is not insane, nor does he actually know what he did to Timber was wrong. Drugging, raping and abusing Timber was what Jason thought love was.

You are probably wondering how he thought this was love in the first place. Well, it's because of his parents. His parents had a relationship like Timber and Jason, but they ended getting married and having a longer relationship, out of fear from Jason's mom.

Now, I don't know if this info has ever been shown on rp's, but Timber and Jason were introduced to each other at a train station by a friend of the two. This friend, who I believe I named Abby, had no idea of what Jason thought love was. To Abby, Jason was normal.

Now, Timber at the time of meeting Jason, had thought that he was a nice guy, and she wasn't wrong. Jason just legit had the wrong perception on love.

Moving on, thus is just an explanation on why Jason treated Timber so badly. It's becuase his parents are his role models, so of course his perception on love is from his parents' actions. He's witnessed his parents do everything he did to Timber. And I mean everything.

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