Chapter 1 |New beginings|

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Waking up to shouting was normal to Ruby, despite all her suffering in day to day life, it was alright. She didn't care. The brunette had more to worry about, but it still pissed her off. With a dramatic groan, she sat up. 5 fucking o'clock in the morning. She grumbled to herself deliriously and stood up, legs weak and trembling. This made her sway slightly. With a small puff, she pulled up some pajama trousers and stumbled out of her room, staring at her childhood friend, Abi, who was making pasta for breakfast. Again.

"Can you make anything else apart from that?" Ruby moaned, sitting down. She messed with her shaved sides, then the mop of hair on her head. She yawned and laid down on her sofa, staring up at her pal.

"No. And fuck you. You like my pasta, bitch. We've run out of cereal" She chuckled to herself and Ruby rolled her eyes at her playful tone. She walked over to her smaller friend and stared down at her, "I do, obviously, but honestly—"

"Um, none of that complaining in my Christian household." Abi laughed again. She hadn't slept, clearly, due to her never-ending eye bags and messed up hair (though her hair was usually messy.)

She knew it was just Ellis in the other room, playing a video game with his roommate, Kyle, and they yelled non-stop.

Ruby left despite needing to eat her breakfast and stormed over to their room. Knocking furiously, she frowned as she saw Lucy, her curly hair bobbing behind her as she left.

"Hey, Lucy." She greeted with a small smile, yawning. Ruby scratched the back of her head and glanced at Ellis' door.

"Oh, hey Ruby." She pulled out her headphones. The video game music ended and Ellis shuffled to the door, "what do you want, Ruby?" He whispered, and Lucy smirked, watching the havoc in front of her.

"Shut the fuck up. You woke me up." Ruby grumbled, poking Ellis' forehead. He grumbled about something for a second before pulling away from her pale digits, frowning, "touching." Ellis reminded, biting his bottom lip.

Ruby sighed and respected his touching problem and her arm fell to her side.

Kyle's head emerged from around the corner and he smiled friendly, leading Ruby to flip him off with a fake, innocent smile. The raven-haired kid just sighed angrily, yet again walking away.

Ruby smiled in satisfaction.

With a small hum, she kindly flipped her friend off once more, "shut up with your jibberish. Good day." The young woman whispered before storming back to her room. Abi greeted her with her signature pasta and they ate in familiar silence. Despite being best friends, most of the time they acted like worst enemies. They didn't seem to mind or care though, being so used to it it was normal.

Bing. Ruby's phone went off. Mid-chew, she glanced down at her broken iPhone 5c and swallowed thickly, "oh, it's Kyle." She said with a shrug and turned her head away from the message, clearly disinterested.

"'Sorry for waking you up'" Abi read aloud, "oh, that dude woke you up? Rest in pieces." The woman giggled and stood up, throwing her tacky blanket to the ground. "Hey, it's our day off, we should all go to that Waterstones." She offered.

The cafe in the small bookshop was where some of them went like a ritual, and Ruby loved the intoxicating scent of books that seemed to lull everyone into a calm daze. It would smell like coffee and chocolate goods too. Shelves upon shelves of new books sat on them as if waiting to be read. There was something about the cream coloured furniture that coaxed the visitors to chill out there, eat their holy goods and read their things. It was decorated with them cliche sayings about love, books, and friends. It was very nice and aesthetic. Potted plants that were in pastel coloured pots where littered around the place. All in all, the Waterstones was where they belonged.

No homo, bro.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum