Chapter 5: 'Advance' (2296 words)

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Vievel grabbed at the top shelf of the stone cabinet, gripping it as tightly as he could. Without a word or a sound he pulled himself up, ducking his head and positioning himself in the cramped space between the shelves. It was barely wide enough for him to crouch on, barely tall enough for him to fit. Even with his feet nestled beside his knapsack Vievel feared at any second he might kick loose one of the plastic flasks or boxes that sat next to him. He drew in as close to the back of the cabinet as he could, feeling the roughly pointed rock-face pressing up against him. If he didn't move, perhaps he'd get away with hiding. His hands pressed up against both of inside walls he braced himself so that he didn't accidentally lose his balance and tumble forward.

It'd be just my luck. He tried to force the doubt from his mind, to trust himself, but a degree of uncertainty lingered still. His breath was shallow and measured, he barely dared to breathe lest the motion offset his center of balance. Vievel leaned slightly toward his left, keeping a careful eye on his feet and his composure. He tilted his head toward the chamber threshold and listened out.

"Halycen Ellewin Ulmadr!" He had immediately recognised the voice, sparing no time before he clambered into the stone cabinet. Sera Odill Helminen, his father's marshall and chief-in-command of the Ulmadr Advance. Vievel had met him a handful of times previously, but mostly he knew of him only by reputation. The whispers amongst the home ship were that he was a stern and joyless Aelfr who commanded a great deal of respect and loyalty amongst the enlisted Aælfir; much of which respect had been earned not through his titles or honorifics, but through Odill's own proclivity to lead engagements against the Dwurkn where his rank should've prevented him from doing so.

"Sera Odill". Halycen was speaking now, using the elder Aælfir's title as a mark of respect. "Lovely cycle for a walk, isn't it?" Vievel heard a soft snicker from behind the doorway, unsure if it had been a ranger or Halycen herself. Metal clinking, footsteps, quickly overshadowed the laughter; less than a second later Vievel heard Halycen yell out. "Hey-ow!"

"Drop the revolver," Odill barked. Vievel heard something fall to the floor.

"Let me go!" Halycen cried again, her voice ringing out a second time. Her plea fell on deaf ears as Sera Odill spoke over her.

"Ranger Ardenfyrn, you will detain the lady Ulmadr. She is to be remanded back to the home ship and her father's custody". Sera Odill's voice rang out over the corridor and into the chamber, a dominating sound which was not loud yet occupied Vievel's attention fully and utterly.

"Yes Marshall," spoke someone that Vievel didn't recognise, someone he assumed to be the Ranger Ardenfyrn. The speaker was an Aelfi, perhaps not much older than Halycen, with an accent which stressed her speech and caused her words to jump to attention sharply. Though he had no idea of who she might be, he recognised the name of the house Ardenfyrn, the house of shields; it was customary for members of a minor house to make themselves known to members of the ruling house, his own house of Ulmadr, yet he could not place her voice. Each member of the House Ardenfyrn he had met had been a considerably older Aælfir than he or Halycen, especially the Aelfi, surely all old enough to be exempt from military service.

Vievel pondered the speaker, wondering if he'd misheard or simply forgotten her. Remembering all the houses and vassals on board the home ship was a tall task - he often felt like he was forever being forced to meet vassals trying to curry his father's favour or those who would even seek his own. Perhaps he had simply forgotten a younger member of the house or overlooked someone otherwise unremarkable. It wasn't as though the Advance went around publicising their membership, the group was considerably secretive. To be inducted was to forsake membership in all other military and public service roles, and to be invited in the first place was a rare honour. The full names of the Advance's scout-rangers were somewhat guarded, and perhaps Sera Odill was the only individual to know each and every one.

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