Chapter 1

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Just incase you don't know what these mean,

y/n= your name

f/f= fave food(maybe flavour)

f/c= fave colour

h/c= hair color

s/c= skin colour

e/c= eye colour

You woke up on a patch of golden flowers.

'Where am I? You thought. 'What happened?' You sat up and felt a sharp pain in your head.

'Oh yeah... I fell.'

Let me explain.

You once lived a happy life with your mom, dad, and older brother, Frisk. You all had your moments, but you all loved each other deeply. Unfortunately, six years ago your mother died in a car crash, none of you took it very well, but your dad's life had just been demolished. He tried to put up with the pain for about a year, but eventually resorted to drinking the pain away and became abusive shortly after that. You and Frisk had to deal with the abuse for about a year, but it became too much for his poor heart so he ran away. He was 17 at the time, but you were only 13, you couldn't just run away. You knew that your father was just in pain, so you and your big heart put up with 4 whole years of abuse all on your own, not that you weren't already being bullied at school. Now you are 17; the same age as Frisk was when he ran away. You ran from your so called "home" to a mountain called, Mt. Ebott.

Long ago, two races ruled over the earth: humans and monsters. One day, war broke out between the two races. Both fought valiantly, but the humans were victorious. They cast a powerful spell on the monsters, trapping them underground. Legends say that those who climb the mountain never return; that's why you were going.

When you arrived at the top of Mt. Ebbot, there was a giant hole waiting for you, calling your name as you stared at it; you didn't hesitate to jump. You didn't care if you died, you just wanted to get away from the hellhole you called home.

And here you are now. Somehow still alive after falling down one hell of a hole.

You looked around; you were in a cave with a hallway in front of you. You tried to stand up, but felt an immense pain in your legs; they were broken. What can you really expect after falling down a hole like that though?

You lied down on your back as tears threatened to fall from your eyes,

'All I wanted was to get away from the pain. I wish I just died. I can't even move...' You thought to yourself.

You then heard a gasp from the hallway and jerked your head up. There was a tall goat-looking lady in a purple and white dress staring at you with a worried expression. She rushed over to you and knelt down beside you.

"Are you alright, my child?" She asked in a panicked voice.

You sat up and stared at her in awe. You always thought monsters were just a legend, yet here you are with one right in front of you!

"U-uh... I-I hurt my legs... W-when I fell d-down..." You spoke.

"Don't worry, my child, I can carry you to my home."

You were hesitant at first, but nodded. She carefully picked you up and carried you through the doorway at the end of the hall.

"My name is Toriel, I am the caretaker of the Ruins. Whites your name, young one?" She asked.

"Um... My name is (y/n)." You answered. She smiled, "What a beautiful name!"

"Thanks..." You said shyly.

She carried you for about half an hour, you came upon a small brick house. She carried you inside and set you down on a bed in a bedroom that lookes like it once belonged to a child.

"I will be right back, (y/n). Try not to move around too much. You nodded as Toriel left the room. About 5 minutes later she came back with a first aid kit and some bandages. She checked your legs and wrapped them in the bandages.

"They're not quite broken, but they're hurt pretty badly. You won't be able to walk for about a week or so, and you'll have a limp about the same time after that, but afterwards you'll be completely fine!" She explained.

You nodded, relieved. You were so glad your legs weren't broken.

She sat at the foot of your bed and gently placed her hand on your left leg. She had a calm, sweet smile on her face. She chuckled to herself.

"I'm so glad you're here, (y/n). I go and check that spot every day to see if anyone has fallen. You are the first to fall down here in 4 years."

'4 years?... Wait... 4 years!' You thought. "What if the last person to fall was Frisk? He ran away 4 years ago!"

"What was the last human like?" You ask eagerly.

"Oh my... well, he looked to be about your age, dark brown hair and eyes.I believe his name was... hm... it started with an F..." She explained.

"Was it Frisk?" You ask.

"Ah, yes. That's it! Frisk... He was such a gentle young boy."

You started to get exited. Frisk was down here! Wait... She said 'was'...

"Where is he now? What happened to him!?" You start getting nervous. What if he died? Your eyes start to well with tears.

Toriel seemed to notice your state and rubbed your leg to calm you down.

"I'm sure he's fine. If he survived that fall, he was strong enough to survive out there... Just like you. Frisk left the Ruins to the rest of the underground about a week after he fell. I haven't seen him since. Why, what is he to you?" She asked curiously.

"He... He's my older brother." The tears start falling from your eyes. "Our mother died six years ago, our father became an alcoholic and started to abuse us, physically and emotionally. Frisk ran away 4 years ago and I guess he ended up falling down here... He couldn't handle getting bullied and abused anymore... He invited me to go with him, but I didn't want to leave dad. I'm the same age as he was when he ran away..." Tears were flowing from your eyes like waterfalls by now. Toriel hugged you and rubbed your back to try and calm you down.

"Oh, that's awful! I'm so sorry that happened to you, (y/n). Frisk never said anything of this, so I assumed he was just out for a walk and fell. You can stay with me as long as you would like, though I'm sure you will want to go searching for him as soon as you can walk normally again; I will not stop you. And do not worry, no one will hurt you, I'll make sure of it." She comforted you.

You were so happy; you hadn't had anyone to care for you in years.

Toriel backed up and gave you dome space.

"Would you like some pie?" She asked in her sweet voice.

"Really?" She nodded. "That would be great." You smiled as she walked out of the room.

You found yourself exhausted from crying, finally relaxed for once. You rested your head on the pillow and slowly drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

(Hai! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book! Sorry if this is really short, and I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes. If you enjoyed it a vote and maybe a comment would be appreciated! Suggestions are always welcome! Thank you for reading this, have a great day/night! Until next time!)

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