Chapter 2: Isolation

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Alone… In a very chaotic place…


"Is anybody here?!"

"Answer me!"

She wanders to a very haunting and destructed place… Everything is empty…

"Alfred?! Matthew?! Daniel?! Where are you?"

She saw nothing but destruction… 

"Why is nobody answering?"

She is very frustrated… Tears are falling in her face… She is helpless… She is hopeless…

"Why..." She is crying for help and she knelt due to her hopelessness…

Then she saw a piece of piercing broken glass…

She picked it up, held it in both hands, aimed the edge against her chest, and…

She woke up. 

What a nightmare! Cold sweat is flowing in her face and her heartbeat is getting heavy. That was scary!

Then after a few seconds of grasping the reality, she looked to her surroundings. It is still night time. Where am I? What am I doing here?

Perla woke up in a dark cell-looking room where her hands are cuffed. Another nightmare comes, this time, it's real.

She wonders why she was there then she remembered the incident happened in the hotel. She was abducted by some mysterious people. 

"Alfred? Alfred!!"

"Hey… babe…" She turned to her left and saw the blond American weakly answered as he is bruised and unlike her he was immobilized by the chains wrapped all over his body as if he is bound by magic.

Shocked on what she is seeing, Perla's tears slowly fall. Then she leaps to him and then hugs him! 

"Alfred!" She is very happy to see her friend alive. The American felt the heat in his face and smiled.

"I'm sorry… I failed you… I should have-"

"Alfred…" Perla shook her head and smiled. "No need to apologize. I'm just glad that you're alive." She assured her friend for her forgiveness and wiped out her tears.

"Of course I will be! The hero will always get his last laugh! Hahahaha!!" Alfred proudly exclaimed but the Filipina seems to be less than impressed as a sweat drop in her head.

And he's back. Perla narrowed her eyes and sighed.

"Anyways, where the heck are we?!" Alfred complains.

"Don't ask me! I don't know either!" Perla furiously answered.

"Those effin cowards…" America groaned. He tries to get out from his chained situation but the chains are too tight.

"Gah!! If I get out of this, I swear they will never see the sunrise again!"

"Have you… watched the news?" Philippines carefully asks.

"Huh? Yeah…" America stares the ceiling and wonders what went wrong while the Philippines contemplates on why the journalists exposed them.

Suddenly, their cell's door opens… The men in tuxedo and shades are coming in and also the bald tall guy with eyeglasses.

"How is your stay?"

"IT'S GREAT! IT'S EFFIN GREAT!! Thanks to you I cannot let go from these chains!" America sarcastically answers. I swear to God I want to kick their ass.

APH: Existence *A Hetalia Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now