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FOR SOMEONE WHO WAS COLD THE MAJORITY OF THE TIME, ZOE WAS WEIRDLY CLAMMY AND SWEATY. Her hands were slick and she kept rubbing them together. Although she was too stubborn to admit it, she was nervous. And as the slow seconds past on the large round clock on the wall beside her, she was getting even more nervous. Her eyes bore into the slim black hands, and they started to burn to the point were her vision was blurry. She blinked quickly a couple of times, her sight coming back and she looked at the clock again before back to her joined hands. He wasn't late, in fact there was still ten minutes until he was supposed to arrive but Zoe couldn't help but tap her feet silently and chew the inside of her mouth. She wasn't attached to her oxygen tank again, but it stood proudly beside her, she wasn't wearing her uncomfortable, blue checked hospital gown, that stood out like a sore thumb; even though most people in the building wore the same outfit, it would just make Harry uncomfortable and she didn't want him to see it in her either. She didn't want to be that ill girl, she didn't want pity, pity wouldn't grow her another lung. So instead she wore a pair of baggy dark grey joggers that tied together at her ankles and a oversized white top that fell off one of her shoulders. Her large black tangle of hair, swung under her shoulders. The numerous, identical crinkles were perfect, they always had been and they had never been tainted by her illness; they were like a juxtaposition, an ironic juxtaposition that made her look healthy. She'd slightly touched her face up with makeup, her complexion had already held itself relatively well to it's natural colour (not making her look ghastly and ill) but she still brightened the caramel with some powder and highlight, her eyebrows were already thick, dark and defined so she left them, the same with her lashes, and instead only ran a clear gloss over her chewed plump lips. She bopped her feet together at the end of the bed, the blue fluffy socks kissing her big toes together and was about to throw them over the ruffled blanket to pace the room when she heard the clear door slide open.

Her bright eyes tore up to it, a smile tugging at her lips and bringing out small dimples.

"Well I guess you didn't disappoint" She said, her green eyes watching the blonde boy in fascination as he closed the glass door behind him.

"I promised, were you waiting for me?" He chuckled, his own toothy grin and dimples present as he turned to look at the tanned girl who sat perched on her bed. He was just as fascinated, maybe even more, he would never have dreamed she was as beautiful as she was and now he faced the witty girl his breath was taken away. He hasn't seen a picture of her before this moment, he'd just asked the friendly woman at the desk for the directions to 'Miss Zoe Toor's' room; and followed the clean hallways to where she had told him.

She rolled her large green eyes, "You wish, I bet you were stood out there for ages waiting for me" She smiled, gesturing to the blue armchair that sat beside her bed. He walked to it and planted into the cushion, the colour making his eyes sparkle. His blonde hair was messy and stuck in different ways as if he'd just ran his hand through it and he wore a black sidemen hoodie, a red box proudly shone on the front, paired with a pair of sidemen joggers.

"Can I ask you a question?" She said suddenly, trying to prevent any silence or questions about her illness.

He nodded, he was perfectly comfortable answering any of her questions but his eyes showed he was worried about what it was she wanted to know.

"Do you like the sidemen?" She asked innocently as if it wasn't sarcastic but instead was completely casual and rational.

He chuckled, his eyes crinkling as he shook his head, "Well I've got to promote them, I mean it kind of makes up for all my absence in the group"

DYING WISH ( HARRY LEWIS ) [SLOW UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now