Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

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Monday morning. 7 o'clock. Just a normal day for Marinette, but hard as always to stand up. She had a bad feeling in her stomach, but she ignored it because she stood up too late, so she had no time for anything. She just took on her clothes, which she luckily picked out the evening before, when her mum shouted: "Marinette, you are going to be late to school if you will not go NOW!" Yes, now she began to realise how late she really was, also she forgot that they are writing an exam at 8 o'clock. "40 minute way to school...if I hurry up I will be perfect in time for the exam!", Marinette was thinking loud, her mother shouted at her that she might be perfect in time if she would stop talking to herself and go. Marinette did so, when she came to school it was 2 minutes before the bell would ring and the exam would begin.

She began to run and as the bell rings, Marinette stood in the door of her classroom, everyone was staring at her because she was red like a tomato, understandable, she ran like she was running a marathon. Even Adrien, who was sitting in the last row of the classroom, was staring at her. She was so embarrassed and did not move until she noticed that no teacher was there. "Mari, what's wrong? Why did you hurry like that?", Alya was asking. "Aren't we writing an exam like... now?", Marinette wondered, "Wait, today is the 3rd march, isn't it?" Alya answered: "Oh dear... Mari today is the 2nd March, I guess you did too much homework yesterday that you forgot which day today is!"

That's kinda true, lately she was so exhausted by all the ladybug stuff that was going on. Hawk Moth seemed to get stronger and stronger everyday, keeping her secret from Alya... and now comes the biggest problem. Not being allowed to tell Chat Noir her real identity, she knows that it would not be the right thing to do, but every time when Marinette, aka Ladybug, is around Chat Noir, she has that weird feeling...the feeling that she knows him more than she thinks and that they have a connection to each other.

All that stuff was encumbering her, but now she had to focus on class because Mrs. Delaney came into class and was announcing that they are going to write an suprise test. Everyone sighed because nobody thought that they were writing a test. After 45 minutes of torture everyone stood up and left the room.

"Hey Mari, how was the test?" Marinette turned around so fast that she nearly fell down. It was Adrien who was asking her. "Ok Marinette calm down...", she mumbled, "Hey A-Adrien! Yeah my test could have been better, and yours?" "Yeah... my test could have been better too...oh damn it! I'm going to be late! See ya Mari!" Adrien ran so fast away that Marinette could not say goodbye to him. What is so important that Adrien had to go away from school in the middle of the day?

After the break Marinette and Alya went back to class together, you could hear the two till the end of school, they were laughing loud as always. Everyone stared at them, but they didn't care. The first 20 minutes were boring as always, suddenly Marinette heard many people screaming and cars crashing, she knew that something was wrong and that the city needs Ladybug. She did not hesitate and ran out of class to help.

When she arrived, Chat Noir was already there and searching for her. "There you are my Lady! I guess we have work to you see our little troublemaker?"-"No, I don't see anyone! I think it might be better when we seperate us to...-"-"NO! Have you never watched a horror movie? Every time some people are separating, something bad happens!" You could see from his facial expression that he would not like it if his Lady would be searching alone for the enemy. Ladybug saw that Chat Noir was worring about her, she got red like a cherry, anyway she said that it was the best thing they could do now, so they splitted up. Chat Noir went to the one side of the city, Ladybug to the other. They searched for the enemy a long time, then Chat Noir said: "Hm, I can't find anyone... I'm going to search Ladybug!" A little noise from his pocket said: "You shouldn't let her go anyway!"-"Yeah Plegg I know... but what could I do? She said it was the best thing we could do!"-"Yeah I know that she said that I was right here in your pocket idiot! You should have said her that you don't want her to search for the enemy alone!" Chat Noir thought for a few seconds about what Plegg has said. "Plegg! Why didn't you tell me earlier! We have to go!"

When Chat Noir found Ladybug, she was already fighting against the enemy. It was a woman in a black suit, who had a really big blade with her. You could see that this enemy was way stronger than the enemys before. "Im going to help you my Lady!", Chat Noir shouted. He didn't hesitate and ran to Ladybug, but she screamed: "NO! DON'T COME HERE!", as she was screaming that sentence, the woman in the black suite slammed the blade right into Ladybugs stomach. "LADYBUG!!!"

To be continued...
Thanks to BlueCrey, my little sister, to inspire me writing this story! Love ya

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