The Role of The Regional Head, and a Royal

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There are a total of 5 regions. The North is ran by The Supervisor. The other 4 are ran by the Heads, who are currently the king and queens for now. In time, the second-in-command will become the leader of the Corporations.

In this story, there are a total of 5 regions in one giant continent;

*The Espilce Region, "The Central"
-The Headmaster: Slowking

*The Solis Region, "The West"
-The Headmistress: Delphox

*The Mona Region, "The East"
-The Headmaster: Trevenant

*The Ebony Region, "The South"
-The Headmistress: Zoroark

*The Ivory Region, "The North"
-The Supervisor: Metagross

The Ultra Continent is a brutal place thanks to The Sorcerer, so only the most brutal monsters can lead their regions. The strong and brutal monsters protect their region from the evil forces.

Don't let their looks fool you.

The regional head runs their region. They make sure that things run smoothly and keep an eye out for danger.

Be well aware... They are kings and queens.

They protect the children of the region. (Such a task is not required all the way, but the current 4 does this anyway.)

What does it take to be a regional head?

First, a Pokémon has to be hand-picked by a powerful and famous team for recognition. It leaves The Federation and The Supervisor to decide whether or not they are up for the task.

However, it started as them simply letting the king or queen of the region become a head. They will chose the next head to step forward in time.

To become a head... the Pokémon who is second-in-command is given the permission by the leading royal themself.

However, there are cases when a Pokémon can be a head if;
-The head and the 7 associates go missing or is unable to carry on.
-A Pokémon challenges the head for the position, and wins.

The head has total control of their corporation.

But the Royal has control of the whole region, very much like how a lion has control of his pride and territory. Pokémon within the region lives by their rules.

What does it take to be a head? The Pokémon MUST be...

-A leader by heart.
-Able to adapt quickly.
-Problem solver.
-Brutal when necessary.

A Pokémon cannot be a head if they are too kind and forgiving. If they cannot do as much as take a life when necessary, the job is not for them.

Because The Sorcerer's forces are to be neutralized whenever possible.

Though the current heads are kind to their team, they have to harden themselves when necessary. The current heads are gentle and compassionate. However...

....they prove to become heartless and cruel once their tolerance runs out. Their actions range from cruel insults to brutal killing... but such actions only happen once every blue moon.

Because they hate to go that far.

They are extremely territorial by not just instinct alone. They are constantly on the lookout for trespassers that may be The Sorcerer's minions on deguise. Any stranger is tracked down as soon ss possible.

Even the 4 heads themselves would chase each other off. For example, The Southern Head would chase off The Eastern Head from their region for no reason at all sometimes. As ridiculous as it sounds, it's simply an act of territoral rights.

Only the Central Head controls The Central. They cannot control The East, for example... because it is not their territory. So the Eastern Head can chase off The Central if they feel like they are invading space.

If any Pokémon below the head tries to stand above the head by disobeying or doing anything not allowed, well...

... they get the scare of their life. (Hint. Chapter 7, was it?)

If any Pokémon wishes to challenge a king or queen to take their position, it would mean taking their land, power, and rights. A head will fight to the death to keep their position, because once they lose it, they can't get it back.

Think of it like this: The royal of the region is the Alpha of the pack.

If the royal loses, they will be considered as useless by The Federation Itself.

It is why most fights lead to death. The position is strongly desired by many.

*When the royal and the challenger fight for the position... no side is allowed to use their power. They fight with their strength alone to make fights fair due to type disadvantages.

However, do the this, the fights are truly brutal. So brutal in fact, that the fights rarely happen since many fear it. On average, a royal would fight every 2 years at most.

Believe it. The royals hate fighting to keep their position.

Question: How does the fight for position begin?

With the challenger facing the current royal. The royal will give them a warning to back down. They won't hold back, After all.

-The first tactic is intimidation: The current head would make themselves appear intimidating in attempt to scare away the challenger.
-If it fails, they will threaten the challenger.
-if it fails, they will give a final warning that ranges from leaving heavy wounds to killing them... depending on what the challenger wants.

Because some challengers want the position for selfish reasons. They will terrorize the children or even harm a few to make sure no one dares to challenge them.

(Very much how animals are when they claim the Alpha position; they kill the children.)

Since the current royals care very much about the children, they will indeed kill to protect.

Because there had been cases when a selfish new royal indeed did kill young children. And the current royals love tge children very much.

The scars a royal have are most likely from its previous fights. If one has many scars, they are well respected or feared by many.

Being a Royal is a very dangerous job.

And so is being a Head.

If anyone is stupid enough to try to kill a child, the regional head or royal will kill that idiot.

Trust me.

Now that you know, let's learn about The Central!

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