Smash Into You

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As December approached in the year of 2019, the movie "Disenchanted", sequel to Enchanted, is to be coming out. Today, December 13, 2019, is the day that it comes out. So, you can imagine that Patrick Dempsey is to be ecstatic that he has a brand new movie coming out, but sadly, he's not, not quite. Patrick and his wife of 19 years, had just gotten a divorce. They were very civil about it; it was something they both wanted. Things just weren't going the way they were suppose to: Everywhere.

Today, though, things were planned to be changed; that is if the one person he wants to come to the premier of his brand new movie, comes. And sadly, that's not up to him. It's up to fate.

Ellen Pompeo stands on the blue carpet, smiling for the cameras. Behind her stands a wall with "Disenchanted" and "Disney" on it. Ellen wears a black, loosely fitted jump suit. Her shoes are flats with a nice sparkle to them. Her jewelry consists of a gold watch, three gold rings on each of her fingers on her right hand, gold hoop ear-rings and a long gold necklace.

On the other side of the carpet stands Patrick Dempsey. He, too, stands in front of a wall that says "Disenchanted" and "Disney" on it. Patrick wears a gray suit. The first button being unbuttoned, showing a little bit of his chest hair. He wears his leather lace-up Gucci shoes. Patrick is also wearing his dark blue, almost black, watch.

They both smile for the pictures, doing what they're paid to do. But as they both keep walking closer together, with out even realizing it, the paparazzi get more and more excited. Ellen knows what this is going to do to her, seeing Patrick for the first time in nearly 4 years, which is why she took double the Zoloft. But Patrick doesn't even know the Ellen Pompeo is here.

Ellen and her husband, Chris, are also split up. After learning about Chris's affair with his producing assistant, they decided to get a divorce. Although the divorce hasn't been finalized, Ellen and Chris are both living in separate houses, and they share the kids, of course.

Now that the paparazzi are screaming louder and louder with every living and breathing second, Ellen and Patrick simultaneously look over at each other. Patrick smiles, his breath being hitched at the beauty only 4 feet away from him. Ellen smiles, too, although hers is more of an "Oh my God, can I leave, please?" smile. Ellen's nerves slow down a little bit as she remembers what it was like to be held by Patrick all of those times when she was nervous. Her smile softens a little, and she walks closer to Patrick.

"You came?" Patrick whispers to Ellen as she wraps her arms around his neck lightly, and Patrick inhales her scent.

"Well, you did invite me," Ellen replies as they let go of each other but not completely.

They both stare at each other. And although they haven't talked to each other in nearly 4 years, some things didn't change. Like the sparks that they both get when touching each other. Funny actually, neither of them realize their hands are attached until Ellen breaks eye contact by looking down and catching a glimpse of their hands. She lightly tugs her hand out of Patricks but Patrick is very opposed to that idea. Ellen looks back up at Patrick as he gives her a look; a look he gave her many times. The look that says, please don't, and I know you like this feeling. And that is no lie, Ellen loves this feeling. The feeling of needing Patrick to be near her, the feeling of home.

So instead of not holding hands, they hold hands. They get asked several of thousands of questions, asked by the people holding the flashing cameras. But Ellen and Patrick say nothing, they hold hands and smile. But this one time, this one single time, Patrick stops walking, completely stops. He turns and looks over at Ellen -her green eyes in delight as she looks at Patrick- he grabs her other hand and stares into her eyes. They slowly creep into one another, and soon their lips are touching.

The people in the crowd scream, flashing their cameras even more than before. But Ellen and Patrick don't make any moves to quit kissing any time soon. By the time Ellen is about to heat the kiss up more, Patrick backs away and smiles.

"You came," he whispers out of breath.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Ellen smiles and brings her lips back to Patricks.

Can you believe it? The movie hadn't even began yet, and the prince and princess already lived happily ever after.

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