That's Why You're Beautiful

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"You have got to be kidding me!" Ellen huffs as she stumbles through the clothes on the hallway floor. "Kaylee hurry up in there! Mommy and Daddy have to be to work in 20 minutes!" Ellen yells through the bathroom door.

The door opens to reveal the 7 year old girl. She smiles up at her mom. Ellen smiles down at her daughter, then leads her downstairs.

They walk in the kitchen to reveal her husband holding their 1 year old daughter, and their 4 year old son piling pancakes in his mouth. Ellen quickly takes a sip of orange juice, kissing her son's nose. He laughs and hands a piece of pancake to her. She gives him googly eyes and sticks her tongue out, making him laugh. Her eldest daughter sits at the table, getting her own food.

Patrick sets their youngest daughter in the highchair and sets pieces of pancakes on her tray. Ellen lets out a heavy sigh as she finally gets to kiss her husband.

"Good morning," he whispers in her ear. She barely hears him over all of the kids screaming. She just gives him a smile as he gives her one more kiss, and then goes back to attending the kids.

They all eat breakfast within 5 minutes, making sure that school, pre-school, and day care lunches are packed. By the time they get out of the house they have 9 minutes to get the kids to where they need to be, and then to work.

"Okay, Kaylee, Grandma will be picking you up after school. Is that okay?" Ellen asks, turning behind in her seat. Kaylee nods her head. "Aunty K will be picking Maddy and Peyton up at 2:00," Ellen says, thinking out loud. Patrick looks over at his wife, and gives her a smile.

"It's going to be okay," he tells her reassuringly. He puts his hand on her thigh and rubs it lovingly.

"I know," she replies, throwing her head back and letting out a breath.

6 minutes later they're dropping Kaylee and Peyton off at one of the many private schools in L.A.. Ellen and Patrick get out of the car along with Kaylee and Peyton.

"Okay, we'll see you tonight with Grandma?" Ellen asks, crouching down to her daughter and sons height, smiling.

"Will you be on time tonight?" The dirty blonde asks. Ellen softly places a kiss on her daughters cheek and smiles at both of her children.

"Daddy and I promise to be home tonight. And then we can party! But when you get home, you have to promise to play with your brother and sister." Kaylee nods. Ellen kisses her daughters forehead and hugs her, then does the same for her son, before standing back up. Patrick does the same, and then they're sending their daughter off back to 1st grade, and son to pre-school.

They get back in the car, Patrick driving. They travel the short 2 blocks and then take their daughter into the building. Ellen takes the messy toddler out of her car seat and carries her into the building. She gives her a kiss on the forehead, the little girl sucking her own fingers, and hands her to the employee.

Ellen goes back to the car and lets out another heavy breath as Patrick drives to work.

By the time they get there, their 15 minutes late... for the 5th day in a row. Ellen and Patrick hurry to their trailer, getting changed into the navy blue scrubs.

The day goes on, filming several scenes for late season 10, during it. Ellen and Patrick had hardly any scenes together, resulting in barely getting to see each other. So at the end of the work day, getting off early, they waste no time in actually getting to be with each other.

Ellen sits in the booth table that's in their trailer, Patrick sits opposite of her. He gives her a huge smile as he gets up and walks the two steps to sit next to her. He scoots in and wraps his arm around Ellen. She buries her head in his chest.

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