Midnight Sun Entry- Dripping Honey

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The way that her hair glistened in the fluorescent hall lights that night, would forever stain my memory as the most breathtakingly beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. All these years later, I can't tell you what she was wearing, or why we were even standing in that school hallway; but I remember that her hair shone so brilliantly, and that it reminded me of honey dripping down her shoulders.

No, I can't remember much; but I remember the way I felt. I only remember the urge; no - the need to be with her in that moment. It had been as if there had been some cosmic force; a predetermined, inevitable, unyielding sign from every god that had ever been worshipped.

As I had approached her that night, not knowing her name or why I, of all people, should even remotely consider approaching this majestic creature, she had turned to me and our eyes had met.

Her eyes were such a warm brown, shining and soft like the honey trickling down her back. She too, looked confused; as if she also didn't know why we were there. But then those pools of liquid gold widened in a way that let me know she was feeling everything that I was. In her eyes I could see that she too, was experiencing this divine intervention that was bringing us together. This moment, was meant for us.

We left the school that night hand in hand, speaking about our friends and music or whatever else seventeen-year-olds talked about back then. We talked and walked up quite the appetite, so we went to a late night drive through. At the time all I had for transportation was an old three-speed Schwinn, but that girl didn't miss a beat. She hopped up on my handlebars and off we went.

I remember that her hair was blown back by the wind, and it smelled like honey too.

We brought our bounty to a park for a late night picnic, and we feasted on french fries and ice cream. She had tied her hair back from her face but a few unruly strands refuse to be tamed. I had longed to push them back behind her ear.

After we had finished eating, we laid in the grass and looked up at the heavens. I had wondered which star brought us together. And we talked through the night having conversations that reached our souls and opened our eyes to life's possibilities.

We departed that night with nothing more than a gentle hand squeeze, and in a way, I am grateful for it. I didn't need anymore from her. I never saw her again, but I thought of her often. She made me believe in destiny.

Talking with her made me the man I am today. I will always be thankful for her, and the dripping honey that had drawn my eyes. 

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