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lowercase intended

modern au

hope you guys enjoy!!


cecil's pov

with a groan, i opened my eyes and slapped my alarm clock. i turned over and closed my eyelids like i did when i first went to sleep. it seemed like only a second or so had passed before my alarm clock continued to beep annoyingly - surprisingly enough, it was more annoying than steve carlsberg; in this moment anyways. i sighed, then hit the alarm clock once more, finally shutting it up from continuing it's cycle of beeping. i lay there for a minute, not thinking of anything or anyone, not pondering what life has in store for me today, not wondering what news i'd share on my radio show today, nothing. my mind was a blank canvas, devoid of color. surprisingly, i like it; i felt peaceful and more relaxed than i had in weeks. trying to hold on to that feeling, i lay there for a few more minutes before knowing that if i didn't get up soon, i'd be late for work. so i got up and got ready for the day. i got on a casual yet nice button up shirt, with the sleeves rolled up - luckily the management didn't care whether or not you had tattoos - with black skinny jeans and some random pair of shoes i had found on the floor amongst the piles and piles of clothes, papers, and vaeious other items in my apartment. after another ten or so minutes of more searching, i had finally found my phone, keys, and wallet. i went down to my car and started driving to starbucks, where i almost hit an angel with golden honey colored wings. he moved up more to allow me to get inside. "sorry about that," i said. "it's alright." his voice was like a rich chocolate cake, with smooth velvet. "are you sure? i can pay for your drink to make up for it." he looked hesitant, so i spoke up once more. "please." he sighed, then thought about it. "alright," he finally agreed. i smiled. "okay." we continued to chat about various thing, like what we did for a living, our interests, etcetera. it came for us to order. "hi welcome to starbucks, what would you like today?" the cashier asked. she had crystal blue eyes with dark brown hair. her eyes were locked on the angel next to me, looking him up and down. it didn't take a genuis to see she was into him. "i'll have an ultimate caramel frappuccino." "and i'll have an iced caffè mocha." she didn't even look at me once. i wondered if he was straight. i hope he was either bi or gay. i'm gay myself. "that'll be $6.99 please." i handed her the money and she put it in the cash register and started making our drinks. we went to the side, where we continued to talk. sadly, we only had to wait for five minutes before our drinks were ready. when we picked them up, though, the cashier from before - her name tag read elizabeth - winked at carlos - even his name is perfect. we got our drinks and left. we didn't leave once we were outside though - and i didn't want to leave. i wanted to get to know him more and i wanted to stay with him. he started writing something on a piece of paper whilst i hold his drink. he signaled for me to give back his frappuccino so i did; in return he gave me the piece of paper, said bye, and walked away. i looked down and read the note.

we should hang out sometime
call or text
i smiled the rest of the day.

Cecilos Oneshots (WTNV)Where stories live. Discover now