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Carlos' POV

I sat back from the computer screen I was hunched over and stretched my arms above my head. I had been typing all day about the studies I had found, involving why the trees were beginning to turn into shadows. I had already tested some trees with different mixtures to see if they'd turn back into actual trees but nothing has worked so far - unless you count turning a tree-shadow into a walrus that grew legs then walked out my lab. Then yeah, something worked. But other than that, nothing. I racked my brain, trying to see if I could add to that mixture to hopefully turn the shadow back into a tree; then Cecil knocked at the door to my lab. Spinning my chair around, I got up, wearily opened the door, and smiled at him with the my remaining energy. "Hi Carlos," he said happily. "Hello Cecil." "Can we bake something? Please?" he asked, dragging out the 'e.' I sighed and looked over at the my work; then turned back to him. "Sure," I answered. His grin grew even bigger. "YAY!!!!!!!!!!" He turned and went upstairs while I trailed behind him. We reached the kitchen where it seemed that he had already brought out everything, just in case I presume. "What do you have in mind darling?" "Chocolate chip cookies!" he replied eagerly. " I chuckled at his excitement. Cecil was so cute honestly. "Of course darling. We can bake whatever you like." He came over to me and hugged me very tightly. I hugged him tightly back, resting my head on his shoulder for a second. We let go of each other at the same time and got started baking the cookies. "Hey Carlos, can you come and see this for a second? I think I see something..." Cecil spoke. I looked up from mixing the chocolate chips into the dough and went over to where he appeared to be studying his dough. "Hmm?" What is it dear?" I went over there and peered into his bowl. "I don't see anything." I looked up at him but once I did he threw flour in my face. Somehow it didn't get in my eyes. Cecil giggled adorably. "Got you!" I smirked. "You may have gotten me, but it is on and  will get you back,~" I told him. We got to baking them and by the time they were in the oven, we had flour and other stuff all over us. We went to clean up and were in the process of talking about dinner when we heard the oven go off. We raced to the kitchen where we carefully took out the cookies, making sure not to burn ourselves. Letting them cool down, we made hot drinks, brought fuzzy blankets and multiple pillows to our living room. When they cooled down, Cecil put in a movie and we cuddled together for warmth even though we had millions of blankets around us. One by one, we finished and slowly drifted off to sleep, the movie playing in the background, cuddled together. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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