January 14

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I’m bored. Like truly and honestly bored out of my F-ing mind. I don't know why. It’s not like there aren’t things I could be doing, but nothing sounds fun. So I decided to just write, recently my mom was going through some old boxes and she came across a photo album from when I was in kindergarten. She scrapbooked that entire year, and some of the years that would follow. I think she stopped halfway through 4th grade when she got busy and I stopped wanting her taking a literal shit ton of photos of me.

Idk. There was a ton of photos of Soap. It was about halfway through the year that her father and her moved here, from where I do not remember, and the scrapbook quickly goes from being mostly me, and sometimes my family, to it suddenly being of Soap and I doing everything together.

It was all kinda sudden she came to my school and just kinda inserted herself into my life. Eventually, I got used to her being around and just went along with it. She even got the nickname Soap, which literally only had two reasons; one I had shit pronunciation, and two she was a major germaphobe. She’s calmed down a lot since then and you can sometimes forget she is one. But at one little sneeze and she’s whipping out the disinfectant. Like no joke she carries around wet wipes.

Back when I first gave her the nickname everyone had thought she would completely grow out of it. Everyone kinda just assumed that she was just terrified of cooties or something, but nope to this day she’s still the same.

My sister wants to go to the movies, so that’s all I’m gonna write.

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