January 20

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Went out with Soap today, not like on a date or anything. But the two of us went to the mall and hung out. Soap bought a dress for winter formal, I bought a shirt from Hot Topic. It was fine, kinda just a regular weekend, but we did run into the club prez, he was chill, but he started at me the whole time. Whatever maybe he just wanted me to leave so he could be with Soap, whatever. I really don’t know what’s up with this dude, he doesn’t look like the type to be in Conspiracy theory, much less the president. He looks more like a jock or a class president.  You know the type, the cool dude, that everyone looks up to. Soap actually wanted to get me a birthday present so she made me and the prez sit together in the food court, she didn’t take long, but it still was super awkward sitting there with him, neither of us said anything.

P.s. Ethan is the club president, I just realized I never said his name, so there it is….Ethan.

The RoyalsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon