Chapter Two:

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“Piper will die when she here’s this.”

I didn’t think about that. Piper was my cousin that loved music. One Direction included. She had some problems lately though, with her father’s death and a recent break-up with her boyfriend. 

Music seems to get her through the rough patches though. She’s 18 but I don’t think she’ll be moving out until she’s back on her feet. “Maybe he’ll agree to meet her.” I shrugged.

“That would be great! Maybe it will cheer her up!” I love my aunt. She is so awesome I can’t even explain it. I could tell her anything and not have to worry about what she thought or did. She e would always support and be happy for me.. Unless I was making a mistake, she would talk me through it and guide me to a better understanding through her opinions. My Aunt Rose is a therapist can you tell?

“I’ll ask him.”

“Wait until he’s gotten to know you so he can be sure you aren’t trying to schmooze off of him.” She said “It’s understandable if he can’t.”

“You’re right. So what’s the news with work?” I asked taking a chip from my plate. As she talked on and on my thoughts drifted to green eyes and perfect curls on their own accord.

*Harry’s POV*

“So… like that girl huh?” Louis asked when I made it back to our room. He was lying on the bed with a bag of carrots, his chin in his hands.

“Yeah mate. I don’t know it’s like when she helped me she didn’t notice who I was and then when she did realize there wasn’t any fan-girling.”

“I can’t believe this.” Lou muttered before burying his face in his hands and pretending to cry. “ Hazz doesn’t need me anymore!”

I burst out laughing. Like I couldn’t even breathe laughing. “I’ll. always. love. you. Boo.” I said between laughs “I have to share you with Eleanor don’t I?”

He grinned at his girlfriend’s name. I wish he would just propose already. The fans love El.

“Okay!” he said munching on his carrots.

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