When Love is at your Door

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       “HELP!” I heard his voice screaming “Maddie help me!”

Tears were streaming down my face as I ran around banging on the dark walls around me.

“Help! Someone help!”

“I’m coming!” I cried “I’m coming.”


“I’m coming! I’m trying! Just hold on!”

“I can’t”

“No I can save you just hold on.”

“I can’t Maddie.”

“If you love me you’ll hold on.” Guilt always worked on him.

“No. If you love me you’ll hold on. I have to go. Take care of everyone here.”

“NO!” I cried as I fell to the floor my body shaking “no.”

       “I woke up screaming with sweat dripping from my body, my shirt clinging to me and my body shaking.

       “It was just a dream.” I whispered to myself trying to calm down. It was no use. It never was.

       I lifted my self out of bed and went too take a shower my feet gliding across the hardwood floor to my bathroom.

       I stood under the hot water letting it burn my skin and relax my tense muscles.

       I started humming a familiar tune I didn’t even realize what it was at first until recognized Bruno Mars “It Will Rain”

       I just sat underneath the spray letting the water wash over my numb body. Reluctant tears gliding down my face.

              “Sweetie, Is everything alright?”

       “Everything is fine.” I smiled as we got onto the plane. We were back to London to visit Aunt Rose. Actually we were helping her move, to America.

       “I’m going to take a nap on the plane.” My dad announced yawning.

“Me too.” Mom agreed.

“Old people.” I sighed.

“Hey! I’m not old!”

“Whatever floats your boat dad?” I shrugged as we boarded.

       There was screaming. A lot of it. Piercing screams sounding like my mom. I tried to move but a searing pain shot through my body. There was a lot of noise. People screaming, crying, moaning in pain. I opened my eyes and saw bright lights, debris, movement, and then everything went black.

Kinda dark Chapter... COMMENT AND VOTE/FAN

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