Florida here we come (chapter 3)

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*Vanessa’s POV*

“We’re on our way to Florida!” My sister, Amanda cheered.

We had a long car ride ahead of us.

By ‘we’ I mean my sister, my parents, and I.

As we were driving, I was remembering when Matt and I met.


I was helping my mom out by doing some gardening for her. I had the radio on really loudly and my favorite song, at the time, came on. It was Waking up in Vegas by Katy Perry.

I looked around, there was nobody near, so I started to sing really loudly and dance around. Me being the idiot I am, tripped over the hose and got a tangled in it. A boy that I recognized from school but never talked too walked by. He looked at me, laughed. I gave him the ‘please help me’ look.

“Do you need any help?” Matt asked me

*End of Flash back*

I finally dozed off into a deep, dreamless sleep.


“Nessa! Wake up, were here!” Amanda yelled loudly in my ear.

“But we just left home?” I asked unsure

“You slept the whole ride….” She stated

we got out of the car and grabbed our bags.

We walked into the beautiful hotel lobby and checked in.

When we got up to our rooms I ran outside to our patio we had that led out to the beach. It was a beautiful view. We could see the whole beach, the soft sand, the birds, and the sun.

“I’m going to go for a walk along the beach” I informed my parents

I quickly changed into my highlighter pink bikini and over it a thin white crop top. My stomach was showing and you could see my dolphin belly button jewel. I paired the outfit with a pair of plain white flip flops.

I then was off to go for a long walk and explored my surrounding that I will be living in for the next 2 weeks.


I was quite a while away from the hotel now.

I just walked along the shore of the beach admiring its beauty.

Right then, I remembered the text I received from Ashley.

She saw the way I was looking at Liam? I only looked back at Liam because he was staring at me. I looked at him the same way I would have looked at anybody else.

Back off, or else? I’m not even interested in Liam. He’s the last person I would ever go for. Is she really threatening me over this? She has nothing over me anyways. I can’t even think of what the possible or else is. I’m not scared of her anyhow.

I got caught up in my thoughts till I noticed; I’m not walking on the beach any more.

It’s getting dark outside to.

The side walk I’m walking on is cracked with graphite all over it. The buildings all around me look run down and a mess. They also have graphite all over them.

“Okay Vanessa, now would be a smart time to head back” I said to myself.

I turned around to head back… I started walking and I heard someone behind me.

“There’s nobody there, stop being so paranoid” I whispered quietly to myself.

There is definitely somebody behind me.

Out of nowhere a group of guys with hoods on started to approach me.

Oh shit.


Okay so it’s starting to get a little more interesting…… hmm. If you like it, Vote please!

This chapter is dedicated to @gingyforthewin5 for making me the cover for this story! Thank you so much !!!!!!!

Well, that’s about all I have to say, thanks for reading (:

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