Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The night wasn't safe but it was where I belonged. 

Hidden from the reach of others, amongst the shadows of a dark alleyway. It was where imperfect beings like me fostered.

Our innate capability to bring good and bad upon others made us avoidable.

I was like a black cat crossing your pathway making your small capacitated brain superstitious. Yet, bringing 'fate' to others was a gift I found quite amusing.

You see, in front of me is a man, old enough to retire. Trying to get his old vehicle to work. 

He's a cheap man, got a fortune stored in bank but somehow failed to spend a fraction of the money he owned. His children cut off any contact with him because of that. His wife died of cardiac arrest because of his mindset. 

He had simply taken it too far, where now his own feet were in his grave. He was his own gravedigger.

So doing my job and being the nuisance I was, I used by abilities to wreak his car.

I knew he had to get to work, his job was to sue people, he loved it. Today, he was going to sue a CEO of a small company who was accused of committing fraud and on that he had a special meeting at 10pm.


The CEO was innocent. I knew that. The CEO knew that.

But wait. Here's the funny thing- this old man here also knew that.

So it was time to teach him a lesson.

"O'for god's sake, start you lousy piece of shit!" His gravelly voice rasped out as he struggled to get a good volume of air out.

'You should have retired! You can't even walk straight, you filthy bastard' I thought to myself as I watched him from afar. 

He cursed, when he failed yet again.

I thought hard about what I wanted next to happen.

'The rusty engine will start'

His wrinkly hands turned the key igniting the car to life. He smiled in triumph unaware about what was going to happen.

"Now that's a good girl," He praised tapping the steering in proudness. He was glad he didn't listen to his son.

The old man thought he was still safe.

'The breaks won't work'

I watched as the about-to-be broken vehicle drives off with the old man behind the wheel.

 I let the shadows carry me, the car in my view. I smile as I watch him approach a red traffic light.

Panic struck on old Fred's face. I felt his heart beat as he clutches on to the steering wheel, desperately trying to get the old piece of machinery to stop. BOOM BOOM BOOM' it went. 

His wide eyes covered in his glistening sweat witnessing doom impose his sight. Death reaches out to take his soul away from the earth's soil, back to who he belonged to. The creator. Punishment was in store for this pesky human, I could feel it in my veins.

A job well good done. I deserve a pat on the back. 

'You should have listened to your son'  My voice reaches his ear - as his conscious- before the light in his eyes is gone.

I see the collision with the lorry take place. The rusty vehicle burst into flames, flames that I know aren't as hotter as they are in hell.

He'll get used to it.

The lorry driver is unconscious due to the gassy fumes and other vehicles come to an abrupt stop as smoke covers their field of vision.

Soon, I can hear distant sirens as I absorb in the energy of people's emotions around me. I can sense their amplified fear as they stay locked in their cars.

I watch the scene, the police, ambulance surrounding the incident. At that moment, in between mid stretch, I notice her. 

She's wearing a blouse that describes the shape of her body well, her short pencil skirt admires the luscious curve of her hips. Her red lips move as she talks to the officer who listens intensely, the wind carries her wavy hair as she reaches to move a strand out of her vision. 

The officer turns away from her. Not before I see the spark of desire flash before his eyes. 

She's a desirable woman and as if sensing my analysing eyes on her, she turns around embracing my gaze with her own as if she can really see me.

My smile flickers slightly. She shouldn't be able to see me. I'm invisible to the human eye, confused I watch her until a officer passes by making her disappear from my sight all together.

My eyes search for the woman. I can't be imagining things, she can't have disappeared in thin air. Impossible. 

"Who are you?" 

Abruptly I turn my gaze, shocked that she is stood near me when only a few moments ago she was across the road.

Impressed, I smile mischievously, "Raven. It's nice to meet you Detective"

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Pass me a drink, I need a GOD DAMN drink after listening to this. 🍷

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