Chapter 2

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I watched him skeptical. He emitted a strange aura and the tattoos on his skin were so strange. If I wasn't mistaken, at a closer glance they seemed like shadows moving ever so slightly. So alive and life like. 

The little light provided was enough to see the strong features of this man. Tall. Big. He could probably take me down. 

The moon peeked from behind the clouds illuminating the night. A daunting night, to even be outside. 

"Who are you?" I asked curiously. When I met his gaze, something seemed to flicker across his face- confusion maybe. 

He didn't expect me to catch him, but I did. I could feel his gaze search me and when I saw him, I couldn't explain the raw emotion I was feeling.

Across the road, where I noticed his silhouette I only noticed his illuminating eyes, watching me with fascination. The shock, when we met gazed - unexpected from both parties.  

He twisted his neck so fast towards me in response to my voice I wanted to cry in pain for him. 

I could see the grey mist surrounding the footpath and I thought nothing of it. He smiled, an evil cockered smirk that made his handsome features amplify. He was Lucifer in a human's skin. His red auburn hair resembled flames of fire dancing in the wind.   

"Raven. Nice to meet you Detective." His modulated voice was pleasant to listen to. I was surprised by his answer, then I remembered my badge on my blazer. 

"I'm going to ask you to leave the premises, it's dangerous!" My powerful tone makes him laugh bitterly. 

I narrow my eyes into a tight slit where I glare hardly at the problem. The background noise blurs away from my concentration as my focus is now on him. I'm never like this but his laugh crawls under my skin, irritatingly. 

"Who are you to tell me?" He spits harshly, I frown as his actions proclaim his authority over me.

To prove my point, I take out my ID, "Detective Evangeline, government official and I'm going to have to repeat, please leave the premises immediately,"

He scoffs, "Criminal investigation?" completely ignoring my request. He walks around me as my limbs freeze. He's interrogating me, placing his arms behind his back as he looks down at me.

I don't want to arrest him, but his immaturity will earn him a night behind bars. Who does he think he is mocking me?

"Classified information," I grit my teeth hard, not wanting any arguments, "Leave before I handcuff you," I see his eyes flicker over to my belt where my gun rests.

Instead of walking away, like any normal person he steps closer. Intimidating me with his tall frame, he looks down with a dark gaze. I was being extremely generous, letting him go. 

"Don't mess with me Detective, why would you come to an old man's accident?" He questions. I doubt his character when he steps out of his boundary on something he shouldn't know.

"You knew I was here," He continued, "You're here for me, aren't you?"

"Why would you think that?" I say unable to keep the frown off my face. He's scared because I saw him, I know I shouldn't have been able to see him. He knows that I know. 

"You're not human," He concludes, his gaze glimmers with new found discovers, "Sourcerer?" He guesses stalking towards me excitement rolling of him in waves. It's overwhelming. 

"No!" He grins, "Don't tell me!" He stares at before making up his mind, "Clairvoyant?" 

That hit a nerve. My mother identified as a clairvoyant with her amazing ability to predict the future. None of her predictions were ever wrong but she hated the label of clairvoyance or 'witch'. 

It was gift. 

The night was cold. Lips turned blue and hands were numb. 

"Go away, and you might want to see a doctor," I turn to leave not bothered to handle someone who's probably has alcohol in their system right now. 

Time is something that comes of value, lose it, you will never find it again. I was done wasting time on something so trivial when urgent matters were to be tended to. If it was him he'd at least have some decency not to be so atrocious. More educated and less ludicrous. 

I could have him checked, have him fined for many things but it was I who approached him and it was I who was walking away.

A hand grabs my wrist tightly turning me around and my reflex kicks in to my defence. 

To my utter failure my attack is deflected, and I'm now cornered to a brick wall with Raven's bodyweight overbearing me.

He invades my personal space and pushes his pelvis into mine. 

Caging me in with his arms, he bends down so the tip of my nose an inch away from his upper lip, "You're right! I am crazy! Your not any less though right? Sleeping with that psycho mobster to put him jail," 

I stumble back, the gears in my mind turning to find a way out of this situation. I ask myself how he knows and my wide eyes show how terrified I really am now because of the knowledge he retains. 

"Do you want to why he did it?" He huskily says as my mouth dries. My eyes seek for that answer as I watch him up close. I want to scream at him, to tell me what he knows. I swallow hard a dry mouth. I want to know. 

"Lust" He breaths into my ear. His cheekbones arise as his lips lift from the corner of his mouth, his devious features slowly unveiling.

"Tonight. He'll look for you, he won't find you so he'll figure out your truth - your lie."

He must be a stalker, a very good stalker. I hear a voice in my head trying to convince me otherwise. This could only mean one thing. It really was him. 

"He'll find you," I close my eyes to breath out a heavy sigh, after a shiver travels down my spine. The warmth of his body is quickly replaced by displeasure as I open my eyes to argue with him.

I've contained the beast within, but I scream in frustration as I notice his disappearance. His disappeared into a mist of air. Impossible. 

I wanted to ask him how he knew so much. Maybe he was the person I was looking for and not the imposters who had tried to fool me before.

Maybe it was him, no amount of power could make you disappear in thin air within a blink of an eye like that. 

"Detective? Are you okay?" Officer Brian interrupts my train of thought approaching me, he notices my flustered face. I recompose myself and adjust my clothes brushing off any invisible dust.

"Unfortunately" I reply, receiving a baffled look "Inform Frederick Roy's family about his death," I order as I walk past him back to my professional aroma.

"I'm going to do a background check on someone," I say over my shoulders.

I came here because the old man had business with my 'boyfriend' and I suspected his death was planned. Now I have a feeling that the brakes weren't working because Fredrick was a cheap man who couldn't get a standard upgrade but the meeting, he was going to was a meeting with the druglord I was pinning on revealing. 

What connection could old Frederick possibly have to a drug lord?

If there was one question I knew the answer to, it was somewhere and somehow I'd meet Raven again. 

He'd be the one to help me because the man I was snuggled in bed with last night was a criminal. He was cleaver beyond a doubt, I knew that. I also knew if I wanted answers to my unexplained past then I couldn't do it alone.

Call it intuition but I had a mother who was a clairvoyant. I'd be seeing him soon. 

"Heading back to HQ, have the files ready for me." I ordered. 

Until next time. 

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