Chapter 6

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7 years later

The twins are 8 years old now

They have just had there rune  ceremony so the have there first rune  clary and alec are so happy for there twins

One day clary was feeling sick so she went to the doctor and her doctor told her she was pregnant so she went back to the institute and started to cry and ran to Jace and he was so happy for his sister when she told him.

Then she told alec and he was so happy for his wife.

A week later

Today alec and clary are going to tell the  twins that they are going to have a sibling.

When they told Jocelyn and Luke they were so happy to have a little sibling them that afternoon Jocelyn and Luke are having training with the uncle Jace and there dad.

5 years later

The twins are 12 now and clary and alec had another baby girl and she is 4 now and her name is Skye.

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