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People are evil, dark, and corrupted by greed, anger, pride, and jealousy. However, in the midst of these things, you can find light, love, joy, kindness, and happiness. Everyone is special in their own way, but some of us don't realize this, and put ourselves down because we do not feel that we are special in any way. Sometimes it's hard to find that defining quality that makes us special, and different from everyone else, but it's there, trust me.

Sometimes we feel empty. It is one of the worst feelings that you can have. When you feel empty, you feel sad, lost, without a purpose or goal, a Yin with no Yang. You push people away, because you feel that you will only pull them down with your sadness. Don't let this discourage you. If you feel like you do not have a purpose, then find one that you can fill. There is always something we can do to make the world a better place, you just have to look for it. I personally enjoy making people laugh and smile, as it fills me with a feeling like no other. Love and laughter are what make life worth living, and without them, this world would be lost in a darkness and gloom that would extinguish and overtake all the good feelings in this world that we know and love.

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