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Suicide is a very nice thought on occasion. The idea of leaving everything behind, and having no more problems or worries. For some of us, the only thing keeping us from suicide is the thought that there may be a Hell, which scares us and keeps us from taking our lives. For others, there is nothing that makes them want to stay, or scared to go. Life seems horrible most of the time, and yes, suicide is a calming thought more often than not, but in reality, things will pass. Everything comes to an end, which will always make us either sad, or happy. Wait for death to find you, don't find death. Even when you have nothing left, and even when you feel more alone than ever, there is always something good that we have to live for, no matter how small or hard that something is to find. Dead is dead, and there is no fixing that. Once you are dead, you can't just undo that, it's permanent. If you're thinking about suicide, make sure you think about all the effects that your death will cause, and consider weather or not it's really worth it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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