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A Love Story: A boy and a girl decide that they like each other, so they start seeing each other more and more, and eventually, the girl decides that she is in love with the boy. One night, while they are alone, the girl decides to tell the boy this, and he tells her that he loves her too. After a few months, the girl overhears the boy telling another girl the same thing he told her, "I love you."END OF LOVE STORY!

Now stop, and think about this for a minute. People say that they hate love because it doesn't work out most times. This is a false statement. Love works out every time. If it doesn't work out, then it's not, nor was it EVER, love. When you truly love someone, you will go through and do anything to make sure they are happy. You check on them to make sure they are doing okay, and you listen to their problems instead of telling them yours. If you love someone, then you love them, only them, and no one but them. You CANNOT love more than one person at a time. Yes, you may love you mom, dad, siblings etc., but that is a different kind of love. The love I'm talking about is the strongest kind, and it makes us do things that we cannot explain. This love makes us better people, and can fill our lives with all of the good feelings I talked about earlier. If you tell someone you love them, YOU BETTER LOVE THEM! Don't ever say you love someone unless you MEAN IT! Otherwise, you have already set yourself up to fail. If you tell someone you love them, then you better be there  when they are going through good times, AND bad times. You better be there to help with their struggles, and pain, and suffering, as well as be there to celebrate their achievements. If you tell someone you love them, but then show the same affection towards someone else, you are a first class loser, but more importantly, you lied. You told someone something that they believed was true, and now that you hurt them so badly, it will be harder for them to trust people for the rest of their lives. So before you tell someone these three words, make sure that you mean them with everything in you, cause you can't take back what you've already said.

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