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you look really beautiful today

and you're so nice and sweet, always givin people compliments

and so funny! you're always leave the funniest comments, and say the most hailrious things

don't change because someone says to. i'm sorry they're rude. it kind of sucks though that they're waisting they're life being mean, isn't it?

did you take time for yourself today? you're not being selfish I promise. the most important person to yourself should be you. just take a few minutes, breathe. smile, you got this.

do you like the smell of lavender? the sound of rain? hazy fairy lights? big, fluffy blankets? because I do

how's your day? good? bad? well, I'm sure tomorrow's going to be better. what's one thing that's going to be good about tomorrow?

I love you so much : )

Rants And RandomnessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon