Chapter Two. The New Kid.

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Finally, I reach my house. Exhausted, sweaty, and ready for bed. I survey my surroundings.

"Thank god. No one is around to watch."

I swiftly change back to my human form, the oversized hoodie I had on covered my bare body as I climbed the side of my house and back into my room. I plop down on my bed after I unlock the door, close the window and the curtains.

"Finally I can rest."

I pull the soft wool blankets over my body and close my eyes, but before I can drift into sleep my mother bursts through the door.

"Get yourr.. ass up! yoou have schoolll you ungrrateful bitch!..."

my mother's words were slurred... she had been drinking again... she shuts the door and stumbles her way downstairs. I sigh and get out of bed with a growl then go to my closet to wear my usual attire, a black sweater with bold red letters on the back spelling out the words "Redwood Honey badgers" and on the front in the top right corner is a small honey badger emblem. Along with the sweater I had my black knee high school skirt and my combat boots. I quickly brush my long, dark hair then situate it into a braided ponytail. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and head downstairs.

"I'm leaving!"

"Whatever! I won't be here tonight I'm going to a "business" meeting."

whenever she said business meeting she really meant going out to the bar and getting drunk outta her mind. She'll probably go home with another man. I rush out the door and walk to school while listening to my favorite songs.


"Who was she...ugh never mind that I'm going to be late to school if I don't hurry up."

I make it to the edge of town and hop in my car naked. I grab the extra clothes I had in the backseat, put on some deodorant then dress in my school attire. My black t-shirt with a red honey badger symbol on it, a pair of dark jeans, then I slid on some converse. I start the car and head to school.


on the way to school, my phone buzzed, interrupting my jam session.

"Hmm, what's this?"

It was from Chelsea.

"Hey, I brought you some coffee from the shop. Where you at? Mr. Finch's class starts soon!

xoxo Chelsea."

well lucky for Chelsea I'm already here. I open the door and take my earbuds out and let them hang off my shoulder.


Immediately my tiny frame was being crushed by Chelsea's strong arms.

"I missed you girl! here, I brought you your coffee!"

I take the Styrofoam cup and sip the warm caffeinated liquid.

"Thank you Chels."

"No problem! now hurry up and get your stuff we've got class."

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