Chapter Five. Foggy Memories.

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My head is pounding...Where am I?.. What happened yesterday?

My thoughts were scattered and my body was sore. I open my eyes and darkness surrounded me but I was okay. I knew where I was once I felt the soft familiar wool blanket between my fingers. I sat up holding my head.

Holy fuck my head is pounding!..
Maybe if I take a hot shower I'll feel better... Worth a shot.

My body wobbled to the bathroom. The light invaded my eyes I covered and rubbed them for a second before striping my clothes off and waiting for the water to get nice and steamy. My thoughts go back to last night. I ponder while leaning against the cool wall letting the water bead down my skin.

Something feels off... What happened?..
Me and Chelsea went to that party, she parted ways and went with Tommy, then me and Chris went to the kitchen..  had a drink...or six. Heh. But that's all I remember...hmm I feel like something else happened...

I stepped in the shower and pulled back the curtains. My mind wouldn't stop picking at the thought of what happened.

Ugh! Did we all leave together? Did Chelsea stay with me? go home? or go with Tommy? Did Chris go home? He couldn't have come home with me..? did he..? Wait! Did we?!

No, no, no, yes, no, yes I did, and yes we did~

"What the fuck? Who's there!?"

I stopped shampooing my hair immediately then ripped the shower curtain aside. Quickly wrapping a towel around me I entered my room. Soapy suds still in my hair. I flicked the light on but no one was in my room..

"Huh... Guess I was just hearing things..?"

Downstairs sweetheart, I'm cooking. I hope you like pancakes?

The voice sounded like it was echoing inside of my head. I grabbed a robe and covered my bare body then ran to the door and shouted downstairs.

"Who's there!? I swear to god I will beat the ever living Shit out of you I'm not afraid! I have a gun!"

No response came back. I took that as they were either fleeing or coming to get me... I heard footsteps coming so I flicked the lights off and ran to my closet which was basically a foot away from my bedroom door. The footsteps stopped at the door and the handle slowly turned. I watched as a figure slide into my room fumbling around in the dark. I took my chance and rushed at them and pinned them against the wall.


"Oof! what the hell! Kris calm down it's me, Christopher!"

I was released and fell to the floor.

"Chris! What are you doing here! how'd you get in my house?!"

I stood up and brushed myself off then sighed.

"You don't remember?"

she shook her head.

"No, I don't remember much at all."

A smile worked it's way on my lips and I lightly patted her cheek.

"I can tell you all about it over some warm fluffy Pancakes! how's that sound? oh...and um... you don't really have a gun do you?"


When Chris flicked on the light I grinned. He turned around and saw me holding a handgun I aimed it at him and smirked.

"Woah easy now. please put that down!"

I pulled on the trigger and watched him flinch then I busted out laughing.

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