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Alison's POV

"Hello?" I call into the phone, removing my earrings from the family party I was at.

"H-Hello?" Someone sobs. I quickly check the caller ID and see that its Brooklyn.

Oh my gosh. "Yeah? Brooke? Oh my god, what happened?" I say, feeling s little panicky.

"C-Can you pick me up? I'm at Ambers party?" She sobs. I can hear her muffling her voice.

"Of course, B.... I'll be there in 5."


I pull up into the driveway. Brooke sits on a stone step with her head in her hands.

"Brooke!" I tell, pulling down the window.

She lifts her head and wipes her cheeks, walking up towards the car consciously.

"What happened?" I ask as she gets in. "Where's Grayson?" I ask, looking around the entrance of Ambers house for him.

"I-I don't know...." she sighs. I can hear her voice get thick. "S-Someone just.... Oh my gosh..." she gasps, dropping her head again.

I rub her shoulder soothingly, starting the car. "Cafe?" I ask, knowing we could talk there and that it was one of her safe spots.

She nods, covering her face with her long sleeves.


"2 small hot chocolates." I tell the woman helping us out.

As soon as she leaves I turn to Brooke. It's 1 am and this place is open 24 hours so it was pretty empty.

Her head was down, hidden under her hood.

"What happened?" I gently ask.

Brooklyn keeps her head down, slightly shaking her head. "I-I was so scared." She mumbled. "This guy.... j-just pulled me o-out of nowhere. He wouldn't let g-go." She shakes. Literally.

I grumble in anger. "Where the hell was Grayson?"

"Amber t-took him for beer pong.... I t-think he thought I was o-okay with it b-but I was just.... A-Alison, she I-invited me to get c-closer with Gray." She cries.

My fists ball up. The one thing tuning in my ear was Amber. She did this.

I scoff and take out my phone to call Grayson. He doesn't answer.

I curse out loud, thumping both of my fists I'm the table in front of us.

"I t-texted him... T-To tell him I was g-going home." She says, gasping for air as she sobbed quietly.

I shake my head in disappointment and text Grayson instead. He probably won't answer but worth a shot.

Where the fuck are you? I type, hearing my thumbs press angrily over my screen. Brooklyn's with me, while you're failing as a boyfriend. She was ducking groped you dim baboon.
Feeling confident and satisfied with my text, I press send. And type again.
Text me when you see this. She fucking needs you.

He doesn't answer. Great.

"Are you okay?" I ask. Knowing how retarded and insensitive the question was. Of course she wasn't okay. She's the most shy girl I know.

Brooke nods slowly, bringing her sleeves up to her face to wipe her cheeks again.

Her phone rings. She hesitantly goes to pick it up.

Brookes POV

"Hello?" I croak, trying to sound normal.

"Baby?" A familiar voice asks. Grayson. He sounds out of breath but relived. "Baby! where were you? I was looking everywhere for you." I hear him exhale. "Oh my gosh, I read Alison's text...."

My eyes dot up to her, but switch back down to our table.

"Baby... I'm so sorry..... Fuck." He sighs. "W-Where are you?"

I gulp. "I'm in a cafe with Ali."

"Okay, princess. I'm coming. Sit tight. I love you." He says before hanging up.

Hi guys! So I just wanna try this thing out since I've seen some other writers do it.

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