Chapter One

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I don't have any wireless internet yet until next week and so I use my mom's hotspot at night when she falls asleep so I apologize for any slow updates! Here it is Chapter one to How to Forgive!

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*6 years ago*

"Mommy! Mommy!"

I moan of exhaustion and feel my little girl's tiny hands on my shoulders as she shakes me. I try to hide a smile as I lay there emotionless.

"Mommy wake up!"

I finally pry open my eyes and smile as I flip over Ariel tickling her as she squeals with laughter.

"Mommy stop! stop!" Her loud giggles fill my ears.

"Okay okay!" I stop tickling her and laugh along with her.

I pick us both up from the bed and make my way down to the kitchen with Ariel in my arms.

She's already 6 years old, old enough to walk on her own, but I still love spoiling her around and holding her in my arms. She's my only child and I feel the need to always keep her safe since she only has me. Harry was too much of a pussy to stick around.

Don't talk about him.

I place Ariel on one of the chairs and make my way around the island in the middle of the kitchen. 

I search through the cabinets, "What do you want for breakfast Hun?"

I look over my shoulder waiting for her response. I smile as I find her playing with her baby doll. She finally looks up and shows me her pearly whites, "Pancakes?" She asks hopefully.

I walk over to her and kiss her on the forehead, "Sure sweetie but I have to go to the grocery store to buy the pancake mix. Want to come with me?"

She nods eagerly, "Let me put on my new shoes!"

I laugh lightly, "Alright hurry on Ariel."

She jumps off the chair and runs off to her room. I walk to the door entrance and slip on my slippers grabbing my purse from the couch as well. I check the clock on my phone, seeing as it's 9:36 a.m, not a lot of people will be at the store. I check my hair to make sure it doesn't look like a birds nest and call Ariel, "Sweetie!"

A minute later she comes running down with a whole new outfit to match her new sperrys. She had on a cute blue shirt that I bought her last month with a white and blue stripped cardigan and baby pink jeans with blue hearts on them.

I smile at her and bend down to pick her up, "You look gorgeous sweetheart."

She wraps her tiny arms around my neck and smiles, "Thank you mommy."

I stand up and walk out the door closing it behind me with the keys. I walk to my family friendly white 2013 Nissan Altima Sedan that my parent's paid down for me. I now pay it monthly so don't think I depend on my parent's to buy me anything.

I open the back door and place Ariel in her car seat telling her to buckle up then making my way into the drivers side, starting the engine and backing away from the driveway. I glance in the rear view mirror fixing my gaze on my beautiful daughter. I smile and look back at the road turning into Walmart's parking lot. 

I finally find a spot closer to the store and park. I turn off the engine and grab my purse, getting out of the car as well and making my way towards Ariel's door on the other side. I open her door pick her up seeing as she already unbuckled herself. I place her down and grasp her hand safely in mine as we wait for a car to pass and continuing to walk into the store.

"Do you know what you want for your birthday this year?" I smile down at her as we walk down the baking aisle.

"Mmmm, I think I want the iPad the Lola has!" I giggle at her response and stop in front of the pancake mixes.

I grab a random one since they are all literally the same and walk back down the aisle, "Then you'll have an iPad sweetie." 

She jumps up and down in excitement and yells, "Yay mommy!" 

I laugh and suddenly bump into someone when I reach the end of the aisle. 

The strange man drops his items and I quickly bend down to help him, "Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry!"

He picks up his head and I instantly recognize those bright green eyes, "No problem love, I got it."

I give him his groceries, take Ariel's hand and walk quickly to the self-checkout. I hear him yell my name but I ignore him and continue walking.

Oh my lord. What the hell was he doing here? Last time I checked 5 years ago he moved to a different town and never looked back. I remember calling him after Ariel was born but he changed his number and everything. I didn't have any way to contact him, he basically fell off the face of the earth. 

"Mommy, the man was calling you, why didn't you turn around?" I look down at Ariel to find her face completely confused.

I shrug and slip in the 10 dollar bill, "He probably had me mistaken for someone else."

"But.. he knew your name?" 

"Sweetie, just drop it okay?" I take my change and place it inside of my purse.

I grab the bag and look over to Ariel finding her in a state of confusion.

I bend down to her height level and kiss her cheek, "Baby doll, I don't know how the man knew my name and I don't want to find out. He probably remembered me from work or something." 

She sighs and nods, "Okay mommy."

I smile at her and stand up grabbing her hand and walking back to the car.

I repeat the usual process of seating her in her car seat and I get in after. I start the car and drive back home.

My mind starts to wonder off to Harry and his beautiful green eyes still filled with life just like before.

Ella. Do not even think about it.

I sigh and park in the driveway. I get out with the grocery bag and pick up Ariel. As soon as I place her down she runs to the door. I laugh and run behind her, "What's the rush sweetie?"

She looks up at me with excitement clearly all over her face, "Mom, I want pancakes!"

I smile at her unlocking the door and pushing it open.

She immediately runs inside and takes the pancake mix from me as well.

I let out a laugh and shut the door behind me.

I only had to thank Harry for one thing, giving me the best gift in the world. 

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Ariel's outfit on the side! 

Did not proof-read this sooooo yea don't hate me!

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