Chapter 1

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'I want to escape it...leave it all behind...the abuse, the scars, everything they have done to me.But you can't change the past , that's right...the only way to leave it all behind is to...die...' she was standing on the bridge , ready to jump. She was right about to do it ,when a hand moved to her shoulder. She immediately turned around and looked into a pair of golden eyes. It was a boy ,one or two years older than her. She knew him from middle school and remembered perfectly his red locks that were always messy. "What were you trying there , don't you remember the promise from back then ?" He said with a smile full of sadness , she thought of what they have been through together and she remembered the promise they made...
_8 years ago_(Y/N) pov
I was sitting alone on a bench in school, like always staring at the cuts on my arms ,when a red haired boy with glasses came to me and reached for my hand. "Hey, I noticed that you're sitting here every day... mind if I sit here too?" I could only nod as response. He sat only a few inches away from me 'Ugh...another guy getting here, I bet he's also just sitting here for fun and mock me for being alone...I hate these bullies...' The boy noticed the cuts on my wrists and asked where they are from. As always I blamed my cat for these cuts but he reacted differently than I expected "What, you have a cat?! Oh~ I love cats...but I can't get one." I couldn't help but smile when he started talking about cats. Then his face immediately turned serious "...but honestly...from where are those cuts?" I turned away repressing my tears ,"W-why...should I tell you that? You're just going to laugh like everyone here. Please...leave me alone!" With that I ran away.
The next day he was there again and I turned around as I saw him but he grabbed me by my shoulder "Can you please give me a chance to know you better, I promise I'm not trying to hurt you!" I felt the honesty in his words but still , I couldn't just trust another student. Even though I wasn't really trusting him I sighted and said "Okay... I guess we'll spend the breaks together now." "Yay! Umm so...what is your name?" He laughed awkwardly. When I told him my name he smiled "Your name is very suits you~ my name's Saeyoung!"
After that we spend every day together and got pretty close just after three weeks. One day...he told me about his abusive mother and how she treated him and his twin she would always hit them when she came home, stressed out by work or how she tortured them just for no reason they never understood . I asked why his brother is never going to school...his answer was : 'She tied him to his room...she knows that he is weaker than me and doesn't let him go outside or even to school. She doesn't want our father to know where we are...or else he might kidnap us or worse. The only person he knows that won't beat him is me.' I am still mad and shocked how someone could do such things to someone else ...even though I was very familiar with such situations. My live isn't half worth of his brother...I wish I could do anything to help his brother but he just told me that talking to me is enough. I felt something being helpful .
Back then I once told him about my family ignoring me, the bullying that made me leave these scars on my arm, so deep I will always see them...and the several suicide attempts. He was the only person I could trust.
His smile when he told me to promise I won't hurt myself anymore is still so deep in my heart. But I broke the promise after he disappeared without telling me where he went..

(Y/N) stared at the ground as she thought of the past. "So? I hope you still remember me." he said as he pulled (Y/N) away from the bridge. " that..." She whispered ,he looked at her "Hmm?" Tears started to fall down her cheeks as she hugged him tightly " is ot possible that I meet you again? I missed you..." Saeyoung didn't respond and just hugged her back. "I'm...sorry for makes you uncomfortable..." "(Y/N)...don't be sorry,please don't suppress it." As they loosened up the hug he asked her : "Why did you try that again?" As (Y/N) thought of a response he took her hand "You'll get sick if we stay here in the cold talking...let's go to my place or talk another day and I'll bring you home unt-" "No! P-please not 'home'." She cut him off. 'Not while my Parents are always ends the the end many things are broken.' "Then I guess to my place." He said smiling. Before she could say anything he pulled her to a car...a fancy car "Do you like my new baby~?" She laughed lightly "Since when are you interested in cars? It's really cool!"
While they were driving to Saeyoungs place they laughed and joked , (Y/N) almost forgot why she was even there.

To be continued ...maybe

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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