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"Taehyung-Ah!!" He held tightly onto bed sheets

"What baby?"

"H-Harder p-pleasee!!"

"As you wish baby" Taehyung did as Jungkook asked for


"Oh my fucking GOD!" Taehyung shaked Jungkook harshly

"W-WHAT!?" He opened his eyes

"What the fuck were you dreaming of!?"

"W-What do you m-mean..?...And why am I so sweaty?" He looked around "You are Still wearing a hood?"


"P-Please stop yelling..." Jungkook looked down

"Whatever, why were you..... Moaning my fucking name?!"

"I... W-was?!..Please turn around.."




Taehyung turned around, and Jungkook quickly looked under the sheets

"Ohmy..Please don't look at me... Till I enter the bathroom."


Jungkook quickly stood up, he walked in the bathroom and locked the doors "Okay!"

Taehyung sighed "What an idiot." He sat on his bed

"OMG how could I possibly have THAT KINDA OF dream about him" Jungkook turned the water on and started cleaning himself

"Like... I don't even know what he looks like, I'm so disgusting...He probably hates me, I mean even more....I don't even understand..... I only saw that once... It was Yoongi and Jimin....But... I don't understand"

Taehyung knocked on the doors "I need to use the bathroom too"

"I-i'm sorry...". He looked around "fuck...I forgot to bring new clothes! Even a towel. I'm so dead..." He sat on the toilet

"Excuse me."

"I c-can't...."

"What WHY!?" He yelled

"B-Because... I forgot to bring my clothes..." He said shyly

"Ugh.You are fucking retarded" he heard Taehyung leaving their room

Jungkook sniffed "He isn't lying..." He stood up and exited the bathroom

He quickly took some new clothes and put them on "I'll just try to stay away from him... As teacher said"

He took his phone and headphones, sitting on his bed leaning his back on the wall

Few minutes later Taehyung came back, he wasn't mad anymore, he sat on his bed as well

He actually haven't seen Jungkook, because of obviously hood.but he could see where he was going, he was always looking down avoiding any eye contact with people around him

Jungkook slowly took the headphones off "T-Taehyung... I'm so sorry for making you mad....That won't happened again...it's my fault.. I'm really stupid and I know it... It's also stupid because I don't even know you well"


"Please don't hate me..." He sniffed

"Okay" he replied

Suddenly Jungkook's phone started ringing, he quickly picked up


Jungkook chuckled "Jimin hyung! I'm okay, what about you?"

"W-Well I'm good. I feel like I'm with Yoongi for months haha"

"Awww that's great!"

"Kookie your the best literally! With who are you sharing room with?"

He looked at Taehyung nervously "T-Taehyung" he whispered


"Jiminie baby, I think you need a rest" Yoongi was about to take Jimin's phone away


Then he hang up

"So what's your name?"


"Is here anyone else in this room?"

"N-No hehe....M-My name i-is Jungkook..." It felt weird for him when Taehyung was talking normally

"Jungkook huh?"

"Y-Yes... How old -are you?"


Jungkook smiled "I'm 16"


"Can you show me your f-face?"

Taehyung ignored

"Why are you hiding?Did something happened.?"

He kept avoiding Jungkook's questions

"I'm s- sorry then"

"Why are you trying to be so nice Jungkook?" He sighed

"Because I care about you!"

"You are so stupid, you don't even know me." He layed on his bed

"Everyone told me a lot about you...So I know some things.."

"I was wishing to get room for myself... Where I'll be alone"



"N-no... Sorry...Just, that's not nice"

"Well deal with it"

Jungkook crossed his arms "Whatever"

Silence filled up the room, till Jungkook spoke up

"I'll go now, I'll leave you be" he stood up from his bed and left



-not that good chapter sorry :(

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