The Car: Story Two

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Twisted words are what I have said.

Now you know the difference between you and I.

If the answer is still not clear, keep thinking.

The riddle I present to you is this:

What is so special about the one who isn't

abnormal like I?


The Setting:

You're thinking...

You may think that I am thinking,

Which is correct however do not be fooled, by

what I am about to say,

because the true meaning is as different as North and South:

A plan to escape, is a plan to fail,

it is as useless as a broken pencil when you try and write.

Thus let's go, and be on our way. 

I only understood stood half of that,

so if we are going to leave you will have to explain

why North and South has to do with any of this!

You hide what's bugging you like a pirate hides

his treasure, and your actions are what makes you

worth more then what the pirate hides, for a kind soul

like yours cannot be replaced. Now listen close,

and listen well:

What do North and South have in common with a magnet?

... Oh, North and South are Opposite just like

how the North and South on magnats attract.

But now you have to ask me this, as we walk...

What makes me so special, and why do you care?

Out of all the questions you have asked, the answers to your last 

two questions will be found throughout our adventure.

And that adventure begins now...

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